[HELP] ReSpwan Objects -
TraNe15 - 20.09.2009
Hi everyone.. in my server there are lots of explosive barrels and when someone explode them they never respawn.. How can i respawn them after they explode..
Re: [HELP] ReSpwan Objects -
[NYRP]Mike. - 20.09.2009
Use a command again, to respawn the Barrels, but i think there are other ways.
if (strcmp("/bombs", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
return 1;
Re: [HELP] ReSpwan Objects -
TraNe15 - 20.09.2009
i want to make it automaticly..
Re: [HELP] ReSpwan Objects -
[NYRP]Mike. - 20.09.2009
Create a timer then.
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
forward BombTimer();
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(" Bomb Timer - NY-Gaming.com - [NYRP]Mike.");
SetTimer("BombTimer", 500, 1); //Bomb System
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;
public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
return 1;
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (strcmp("/manualbomb", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
// objects here if u dnt want to wait for the timer
return 1;
return 0;
public BombTimer()
//=============================================[PLACE BOMB OBJECTS HERE]=================================
return 1;
Paste that into a new Script and use it as a FS'
**P.S: Link to
Re: [HELP] ReSpwan Objects -
TraNe15 - 20.09.2009
Lol.. credits for this FS
but if objects dont explode it will create lots of object!!
Re: [HELP] ReSpwan Objects -
[NYRP]Mike. - 20.09.2009
SOLUTION: Delete BombTimer from OnFilterScriptInit and place it under OnPlayerCommandText under ManualBombs, And wallah!
Re: [HELP] ReSpwan Objects -
TraNe15 - 20.09.2009
Like This??
public Timer()
DestroyObject(346, x, y, z, bla bla..);
CreateObject(346, x, y, z, bla bla..);
return 1;
Re: [HELP] ReSpwan Objects -
[NYRP]Mike. - 20.09.2009
Thanks ****** hang on, Count how many objects you have and in the timer do DestroyObject(1); etc and then add objects too.
pawn Код:
public BombTimer()
//=============================================[PLACE BOMB OBJECTS HERE]=================================
return 1;
Re: [HELP] ReSpwan Objects -
[NYRP]Mike. - 20.09.2009
Or Create another Timer for DestroyBombs and add DestroyObjects so they dont overlap and Create alot of them.
**P.S: Sorry for Double post**
Re: [HELP] ReSpwan Objects -
TraNe15 - 20.09.2009
Thank You [NYRP]Mike & Y_Leѕѕ