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[FS/MAP]New Bank System 0.2 [UPDATED] - Printable Version

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[FS/MAP]New Bank System 0.2 [UPDATED] - [NYRP]Mike. - 19.09.2009

--=[Version 0.1.0]=--
TAB - Open doors, Within a radius
CROUCH - Temporary goto the BANK ((Used for Testing))
Played on a RP server, Or TDM and was able to Rob a Bank but not able to access the Vault?
Then this is for you, Its a new Bank Map/FS, which includes an Office, A Vault, The Main Room & a Loading bay, So you can drive your cars in and Rob it!
--=[Version 0.1.1]=--
TAB - Open doors within a radius
CROUCH - Temporary goto the BANK(Version 2)
/load - Creates a checkpoint inside the bank to exit
/openbank - Creates a checkpoint outside the bank to Enter
/closebank - Closes checkpoint

SCREENSHOTS: /imageshack/gal.php?g...0919212957.jpg

Pastebin: Version 1 no Teleport included
Pastebin: Version 2 Teleport included
Rapidshare: Include*NEEDED*

Credits to Me, [NYRP]Mike.
& to the Creater of the CPS
- Feel Free to Mirror!

Re: [FS/MAP]New Bank System -BETA- - SanMarinoRP - 20.09.2009

hmm.. stop posting BETA things and have the time to actually finish them man

Re: [FS/MAP]New Bank System -BETA- - shady91 - 20.09.2009

Originally Posted by SanMarinoRP
hmm.. stop posting BETA things and have the time to actually finish them man
yeah he did this with a fuel system and i saw a bug within like first 10 lines before i could even fix it the mods removed it lol

Re: [FS/MAP]New Bank System -BETA- - scandragon - 20.09.2009

Well the interior is nice.. But not knowing where the bank is, and not being able to leave the bank without dieing is a problem..
Also, why TP people into the vault, half buried in the floor?
Wouldn't it make more sense to have people appear upstairs?

Re: [FS/MAP]New Bank System -BETA- - shady91 - 20.09.2009

Originally Posted by scandragon
Well the interior is nice.. But not knowing where the bank is, and not being able to leave the bank without dieing is a problem..
Also, why TP people into the vault, half buried in the floor?
Wouldn't it make more sense to have people appear upstairs?
this is another half done FS probly copy and paste.

Re: [FS/MAP]New Bank System -BETA- - scandragon - 20.09.2009

Aye, but this one does show promise if someone were able to clean it up..

My advice to OP: Consentrate on ONE thing at a time.. Finish it, then release and move on to the next

Re: [FS/MAP]New Bank System -BETA- - Memoryz - 20.09.2009

Guys, STFU with it being BETA!

TONS of programs are released in their beta stages, and I bet half of you guys that replied here don't know what the hell beta means.

@Mike Nice, im gonna use it, one thing you might want to add is that the loading bay garage door opens.

Re: [FS/MAP]New Bank System -BETA- - [NYRP]Mike. - 20.09.2009

Damn... Whats with all the negatives?, Atleast think that maybe i have other shit then sitting around Scripting all-day? The door will open, and the Bank entrance co-ords you can get with Pressing C to take you there then /save because you might want them somewhere else,

- Mike.

Re: [FS/MAP]New Bank System -BETA- - SanMarinoRP - 20.09.2009

Originally Posted by [NYRP
Mike. ]
Damn... Whats with all the negatives?, Atleast think that maybe i have other shit then sitting around Scripting all-day? The door will open, and the Bank entrance co-ords you can get with Pressing C to take you there then /save because you might want them somewhere else,

- Mike.
does it matter? NO it doesnt.. because its still half done. Take your time to finish it


Re: [FS/MAP]New Bank System -BETA- - [NYRP]Mike. - 20.09.2009

And if you had patience you would wait for me to finish it.



- Securicar inside Loading Bay
- /load Loads money into the Van & Places a checkpoint at exit
- Bank Entrance is