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[FS&INC] ErroR's improved NPC functions! [IsPlayerNPC, ApplyAnimation etc.] - Printable Version

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[FS&INC] ErroR's improved NPC functions! [IsPlayerNPC, ApplyAnimation etc.] - erorcun - 19.09.2009

[FS&INC] ErroR's improved NPC functions!

Warning: This modification is for the NPC modes!

New Functions:
pawn Код:
native SendChatToPlayer(receiverid, message[]);
native GetPlayerID(playername[]);
native SetPlayerPos(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
native SetPlayerHealth(playerid, Float:health);
native SetPlayerArmour(playerid, Float:armour);
native SetPlayerName(playerid, name[]);
native SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, actionid);
native SetMySpecialAction(actionid);
native ApplyAnimationToPlayer(playerid, animlib[], animname[], Float:fS, opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4, opt5);
native ClearPlayerAnimations(playerid);
native ApplyAnimationToMe(animlib[], animname[], Float:fS, opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4, opt5);
native ClearMyAnimations();
native TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, toggle);
native SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
native SetCameraBehindPlayer(playerid);
native IsPlayerNPC(playerid);
Updated, please re-download.

Supported versions: RC 5-1, RC 5-2, RC 6-1

Sorry for my english.

Re: [FS&INC] ErroR's improved NPC functions! [IsPlayerNPC, ApplyAnimation etc.] - erorcun - 19.09.2009

Updated, please re-download.

Re: [FS&INC] ErroR's improved NPC functions! [IsPlayerNPC, ApplyAnimation etc.] - Correlli - 19.09.2009

Not bad, but you really don't need 256 cells, use 128.

Re: [FS&INC] ErroR's improved NPC functions! [IsPlayerNPC, ApplyAnimation etc.] - erorcun - 19.09.2009

Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Not bad, but you really don't need 256 cells, use 128.
and ApplyAnimation fixed.

Re: [FS&INC] ErroR's improved NPC functions! [IsPlayerNPC, ApplyAnimation etc.] - Harry_Gaill - 19.09.2009

Haven't you just enabled all these commands to be used IG by casual players?

Re: [FS&INC] ErroR's improved NPC functions! [IsPlayerNPC, ApplyAnimation etc.] - lavamike - 19.09.2009

Originally Posted by Harry_Gaill [
Haven't you just enabled all these commands to be used IG by casual players?
You can probably just add IsPlayerNPC(playerid) to the OnPlayerCommandText

Re: [FS&INC] ErroR's improved NPC functions! [IsPlayerNPC, ApplyAnimation etc.] - erorcun - 19.09.2009

xD xD

I'm sorry, I forgot.
