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[FilterScript] [FS]Sounds v0.2 - Printable Version

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[FS]Sounds v0.2 - sk0t - 18.09.2009

Sounds GUI
Actions GUI is a filterscript that allows players in game to pick a sound from the game and play it via a GUI.

Thanks to Jasen, his excellent filterscipt helped me a lot with understanding the new GUI system in 0.3 without it this filterscipt would not have been made.
Grab his filterscipt here:
Thanks to [DRuG]m0rgZy for giving me the idea

Copy the .amx into your filterscipts folder and edit the server.cfg

When in-game:
/sounds- Will bring up a GUI the rest is self-explanatory



Sounds v0.2

Changes to v0.2: Changed the dialog-id to 1111 and changed the file name.

Sounds v0.1:


This filterscript starts at the dialog-id 1111

I added all the sounds from if you know of more let me know i will add them.
Yes i know some sounds don't work thats not because of my filterscript they don't work in general.

Re: [FS]Sounds v0.1 - LlamaMan - 18.09.2009

Well done sk0t.

Re: [FS]Sounds v0.1 - Correlli - 18.09.2009

Again, very nice.

Re: [FS]Sounds v0.2 - sk0t - 19.09.2009

Updated to v0.2

Sounds v0.2

Changes to v0.2: Changed the dialog-id to 1111 and changed the file name.

Re: [FS]Sounds v0.2 - MenaceX^ - 13.10.2009

Very useful.

Re: [FS]Sounds v0.2 - Scofield93 - 13.10.2009

Wao good

Re: [FS]Sounds v0.2 - Zeromanster - 13.10.2009

I thought there would be new sounds also, but this is great to. Nice job.

Re: [FS]Sounds v0.2 - [DM]Mudit36 - 16.10.2009

Nice work, sk0t

Re: [FS]Sounds v0.2 - Mive - 16.10.2009

Really nice

Good job

Re: [FS]Sounds v0.2 - mihais17 - 16.10.2009

Woww , very cool .Gj !

Re: [FS]Sounds v0.2 - IKE - 26.10.2009

Very Very Good Job!!!
I will note