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[FilterScript] [FS]Area 69 jetpack lab - Printable Version

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[FS]Area 69 jetpack lab - Mikep. - 15.09.2009

This is a basic script that places the area 69 jetpack lab cover over, and also has functions to open/close/stop it.

Available functions:
• OpenLabCover();
• CloseLabCover();
• StopLabCover();
• IsLabCoverOpen();
• GetLabCoverState();

It also includes sounds (can be disabled) for when the cover is opened, closed and stopped.

SA:MP 0.3 Area 69 jetpack lab cover script



There is a test command in the filterscript, and as you can see you only need 2 lines in a command to open/close it!

Don't forget, if you find a bug, have a suggestion, want to offer a mirror or just want to comment on the script, reply!

Re: [FS]Area 69 jetpack lab - Memoryz - 15.09.2009


Re: [FS]Area 69 jetpack lab - Mikep. - 15.09.2009

Video coming soon.

EDIT: Video added.

Re: [FS]Area 69 jetpack lab - On_Top_Non_Stop - 15.09.2009

Ah, so thats the object that was removed eh? Didn't check

Good idea. Even if it's just to replace the objects that were removed.

Oh, and the sounds are a nice touch

Re: [FS]Area 69 jetpack lab - Mikep. - 15.09.2009

Originally Posted by OnTop2K9
Good idea. Even if it's just to replace the objects that were removed.
Well I made it 2 days ago, and didn't plan to release it, but I can see it being useful.

Glad you like it.

Re: [FS]Area 69 jetpack lab - DeltaAirlines12 - 28.11.2009

WOW I tried it! This is a great FS. Nice job!

Re: [FS]Area 69 jetpack lab - Blunts - 29.11.2009

Nice!! I wondered how to use sounds with objects. Thank you.

Re: [FS]Area 69 jetpack lab - SergiKirov - 29.11.2009

good job!

Re: [FS]Area 69 jetpack lab - GTA_Rules - 29.11.2009

Nice job .

Re: [FS]Area 69 jetpack lab - MJ! - 29.11.2009

Nice , but what about PlayerPlaySound ? Sound will hear everybody , or just the guys who'll be there ?