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looking for comands - Printable Version

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looking for comands - andreportugal - 14.09.2009

howdy mates im looking for 2 commands 1st:to change the player nick colour in game (exmpl:/ncolour 14) and 2nd:to change carcolour ingame (exmpl:/carclr 45 234)

if can help me thanks and if you can't thanks anyway

p.s: srry if my english is bad but im portuguese XD

Re: looking for comands - Doppeyy - 14.09.2009

I'm not sure about the car one but player one is:

Re: looking for comands - andreportugal - 14.09.2009

thx do i put it just like this
beause it gave me a error saing undetefied symbol

or do i do like SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xAA3333AA); (red i think)

Re: looking for comands - AG Adam - 14.09.2009

I making the colour one.
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/wtf", true)==0)
  return 1;
Here you are.

Re: looking for comands - andreportugal - 14.09.2009

ok thx i did that now i just need the one to change the carcolour can anyone tell me ??

idnt think
SetPlayerVehicleColour(playerid,colour) will work

Re: looking for comands - Clavius - 14.09.2009

ChangeVehicleColor(vehicleid, color1, color2)
Note that there are color IDs here, look for them on the wiki.

Re: looking for comands - andreportugal - 14.09.2009

thx mate