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[FilterScript] [FS] Simple Speedo - Coded by Kaleem - Printable Version

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[FS] Simple Speedo - Coded by Kaleem - Klid - 13.09.2009

Hi Everyone,

Since I'm no longer using my speedo which I created, I thought someone else might get some enjoyment out of it.

Heres what it looks like :
[img width=1024 height=640]/imageshack/img22/9638/speedoyz.jpg[/img]

Please do leave me credits if you use this.

Commands :

/shide - Hides Speedo
/sshow - Shows Speedo


2 Minutes to make this post
15 Seconds to upload image
10 seconds to Say Thank You

Please Enjoy and say thanks

Re: [FS] Simple Speedo - Coded by Kaleem - daanbotter - 13.09.2009


Re: [FS] Simple Speedo - Coded by Kaleem - spike_killa - 13.09.2009

Hmm, Not simple at all , Is different for a start and thats what i like... Keep iy up

Re: [FS] Simple Speedo - Coded by Kaleem - DokerJr - 13.09.2009

nice speedo


Re: [FS] Simple Speedo - Coded by Kaleem - eXchainZ-FoReVeR - 13.09.2009

Very nice Speedo...
Whats the Dots for?
.................................................. ...........

Re: [FS] Simple Speedo - Coded by Kaleem - Klid - 13.09.2009

The | represents 1 mph
The . represents 0 mph

So if it's like this :

| | | | | . . . . . 5 MPH

Then it's a speedo that can display a max of 10mph, and it's currently showing speed of 5MPH

My speedo displays a max of 160mph

And as you can see from the Screenshot, I have 47 | and 113 .

If the speed is 170MPH, then all the . turn to |, but it will say 170MPH, So no need to worry about it bugging when you go above 160MPH

Re: [FS] Simple Speedo - Coded by Kaleem - Karaula - 13.09.2009

Hahaha this is sucks..

Re: [FS] Simple Speedo - Coded by Kaleem - legendario - 13.09.2009

looks ugly

Re: [FS] Simple Speedo - Coded by Kaleem - Klid - 14.09.2009

At the time, I was going for a little dashboard effect, but like I said, I'm not using any more so someone else might get some enjoyment out of it.

So if you like it, Great

If not.. then its unfortunate

I mean I created a fuel system with a gauge that matches this, which is the reason I created this in the first place

But the Fuel System is still good, this is a little old now, and yeah it is a little disturbing sometimes, but if it is, just turn it off ( /shide )

Re: [FS] Simple Speedo - Coded by Kaleem - Deat_Itself - 14.09.2009

good work