if(strcmp(cmd, "/abschleppen", true)==0) { if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { if(pVeh != 525) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Du bist in keinem Abschleppwagen!"); return 1; } new vehid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); if(!IsTrailerAttachedToVehicle(vehid)) { new Float, Float:y, Float:z; GetVehiclePos(vehid, x, y, z ); new vehiclet; GetVehicleWithinDistance(playerid, x, y, z, 100.0, vehiclet); AttachTrailerToVehicle(vehiclet, vehid); } else { DetachTrailerFromVehicle(vehid); } } return 1; } |
Outstanding problems: Attach/Detach Trailer still doesn't work although other trailer related functions should be fixed. Fight styles animations can generate exceptions. NPC binary needs additional connection security and optimisation. |