SetVehicleNumberPlate not working? - Printable Version
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SetVehicleNumberPlate not working? -
scandragon - 12.09.2009
I've tried on and off to add numberplates to vehicles on my 0.3 testserver, but without much luck..
Once the plate has been set, the vehicle is respawned with a new random plate.. Not the one I specify.
Re: SetVehicleNumberPlate not working? -
gotenks918 - 12.09.2009
Kye stated somewhere that setting number plates has been disabled for the reason that only 1 car of each model can be set. He said that they might release it in a future version where all number plates can be set.
Re: SetVehicleNumberPlate not working? -
woot - 12.09.2009
- SetVehicleNumberplate does not work. This function can't work due to SA's internal coding which only assigns 1 numplate per vehicle model. The function itself will be left in for future use if it can be made to work.
Re: SetVehicleNumberPlate not working? -
scandragon - 12.09.2009
Sorry, I failed to find that when searching for numberplate, and appearently missed it when reading trough all the notes
I hope it'll work again at a later point