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/makeadmin CMD problems - Printable Version

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/makeadmin CMD problems - MisterTickle - 08.09.2009

dcmd_makeadmin(playerid, params[])
  	if(PlayerI[playerid][PlayerAdmin] == 0) return SystemMsg (playerid, "You must be a admin to use this command!");
  	new giveplayerid = ReturnUser(params);
  	if(sscanf(params, "us", giveplayerid, PlayerAdmin)) return SystemMsg(playerid, " Usage : /makeadmin [playerid / name] [admin level]");
  	if(!IsPlayerConnected(giveplayerid)) return SystemMsg(playerid, "That player is not connected!");
		  format(str, sizeof(str), "ADMIN %s has made %s level %s admin", PlayerName(playerid), PlayerName(giveplayerid), PlayerAdmin);
		  SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, str); PlayerI[giveplayerid][PlayerAdmin];
	return 1;
I am trying to make it so an admin an set a player admin level and it saves to player and than saves to the user file on /q on disconnect (Which it already does, I managed to make it just set you to level 1 but i need it to set you to any value picked)

Re: /makeadmin CMD problems - x-cutter - 08.09.2009

I don't get your problem...

Re: /makeadmin CMD problems - _Vortex - 08.09.2009

Ahh, I had the same problem

This fixed it:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid,reason)
    dini_IntSet(PlayerFile, "Level", pInfo[playerid][Level]);
    return 1;
(modify the settings to what you have)

Re: /makeadmin CMD problems - iLinx - 08.09.2009

heres your problem.
1: you've got PlayerAdmin defined as a string in sscanf (replace the s with a i)
2. In your else statment your doing this
you need to do this
PlayerI[giveplayerid][PlayerAdmin] = PlayerAdmin(or whatever variable you have defined for the level number);
i would say change PlayerAdmin to another variable like newlevel or something, it makes it easier to understand.