In Game Browser...question. -
Salieri_Montreux - 06.09.2009
Hello. I searched an In Game Browser from about 4-5 hours and nothing to works. Xfire dosent works to SAMP, same at Steam and Rogue. Can everybody tell me a good In Game Browser that it works?
Re: In Game Browser...question. -
Emu76 - 06.09.2009
The Xfire ingame browser has always worked perfectly for me in SA:MP. I'm using Vista Home Premium 32-bit. Look in the Xfire options menu, you might have to enable it first.
Re: In Game Browser...question. -
Salieri_Montreux - 06.09.2009
Pff, dosen't works. If I try to launch SAMP from XFire dosen't works. Can you help me?
Re: In Game Browser...question. -
[NoV]LaZ - 06.09.2009
XFire -> Tools -> Options... -> Chat -> XFire In-Game
How to braise
Re: In Game Browser...question. -
jasonstevens - 06.09.2009
Steam works for me. Dunno what ur problem is. But for STEAM to let you use their ingame browser for SAMP and Singleplayer, U have to add the game in your 'Games' Tab and start the game using steam.
Re: In Game Browser...question. -
Salieri_Montreux - 06.09.2009
Originally Posted by LaZ
XFire -> Tools -> Options... -> Chat -> XFire In-Game
It's enabled.
And at Steam, I have added the game to Games, and when I try to launch SAMP from Steam he says this: Failed to launch San Andreas Multi Player.
#edit: Another thing, I have Windows 7 Ultimate, but before 2-3 weeks my Xfire worked with SAMP, now when I reinstalled it, dosent works.
#edit2: Other...Only SAMP dosen't works, for example San Andreas single player works. When I press Launch and select SAMP dosen't happen anything.
Re: In Game Browser...question. -
Salieri_Montreux - 06.09.2009
Anybody can help me ?
Re: In Game Browser...question. -
Calgon - 07.09.2009
You should probably contact Xfire.
Re: In Game Browser...question. -
gotenks918 - 07.09.2009
When xfire scans for games make sure to leave it running. If that doesn't work then go to:
Tools -> Options -> Games then scroll down on the "Not Installed" list, find Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Multiplayer and if it's on automatically detect then select manual detect and locate sa-mp.
Re: In Game Browser...question. -
-.- Haha -.- - 07.09.2009
yeah, they are right. xfire also works for u if just do the good thing ^^