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[Map] [MAP] Court hall - Printable Version

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[MAP] Court hall - vytas_lt - 05.09.2009


CreateObject(14603, 1208.751953125, -899.2578125, 1094.8896484375, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2959, 1207.1124267578, -904.07604980469, 1093.1083984375, 0, 0, 270.67565917969);
CreateObject(2207, 1212.7336425781, -901.54016113281, 1093.1083984375, 0, 0, 272.65869140625);
CreateObject(1714, 1214.7939453125, -902.56158447266, 1093.1083984375, 0, 0, 274.64172363281);
CreateObject(2165, 1215.6853027344, -897.90222167969, 1093.1083984375, 0, 0, 269.95861816406);
CreateObject(1806, 1214.451171875, -899.49761962891, 1093.1083984375, 0, 0, 299.7314453125);
CreateObject(2205, 1213.1148681641, -899.09722900391, 1093.1083984375, 0, 0, 91.309509277344);
CreateObject(2310, 1214.2371826172, -898.16711425781, 1093.6076660156, 0, 0, 7.93994140625);
CreateObject(2310, 1208.400390625, -897.97210693359, 1093.6015625, 0, 0, 180.62622070313);
CreateObject(2310, 1208.4301757813, -899.22418212891, 1093.6070556641, 0, 0, 177.37426757813);
CreateObject(2205, 1210.2690429688, -901.88714599609, 1093.1083984375, 0, 0, 270.67565917969);
CreateObject(2309, 1208.7204589844, -903.11889648438, 1093.1083984375, 0, 0, 276.63024902344);
CreateObject(2309, 1208.6931152344, -901.85540771484, 1093.1083984375, 0, 0, 270.67565917969);
CreateObject(2205, 1209.7027587891, -897.88604736328, 1093.1068115234, 0, 0, 274.64562988281);
CreateObject(1280, 1201.7655029297, -898.58526611328, 1093.509765625, 0, 0, 177.37976074219);
CreateObject(1280, 1203.0948486328, -898.53527832031, 1093.509765625, 0, 0, 177.37976074219);
CreateObject(1280, 1204.3837890625, -898.52252197266, 1093.509765625, 0, 0, 177.37976074219);
CreateObject(1280, 1205.7121582031, -898.53833007813, 1093.5170898438, 0, 0, 181.3513183593;
CreateObject(2596, 1216.3946533203, -902.92016601563, 1094.8796386719, 0, 0, 270.67565917969);
CreateObject(1787, 1213.5187988281, -903.37951660156, 1093.9564208984, 0, 0, 103.9365234375);
CreateObject(1808, 1201.345703125, -901.86279296875, 1093.2352294922, 0, 0, 91.309509277344);
CreateObject(1809, 1213.1520996094, -901.46844482422, 1093.8857421875, 0, 0, 284.57055664063);
CreateObject(1359, 1201.7955322266, -903.21038818359, 1093.8143310547, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2202, 1203.9592285156, -903.52600097656, 1093.1157226563, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2201, 1213.2250976563, -897.86993408203, 1094.044921875, 0, 0, 270.67565917969);
CreateObject(2150, 1201.3737792969, -900.87512207031, 1094.0482177734, 0, 0, 87.339508056641);
CreateObject(1738, 1206.1040039063, -903.41436767578, 1093.7630615234, 0, 0, 0);

27 objects
- 4x3 benches for jury
-Judge, Secretary and witness tables
- Lawyer, Prosecutor, criminal and victim tables

Re: [MAP] Court hall - Imran.Abbas - 05.09.2009


Re: [MAP] Court hall - spike_killa - 05.09.2009


Re: [MAP] Court hall - vytas_lt - 05.09.2009

Thank you