[FS]OnPlayerUpdate Score to Money [0.3 and 0.2X compatible] -
AiVAMAN - 05.09.2009
Simple OnPlayerUpdate Score to Money by Alive.
When showing scoreboard (TAB) where is score shows your money. Hope you understood me.
Haven't found any. If you do reply here.
Mirrors are NOT allowed
Re: [FS]OnPlayerUpdate Score to Money [0.3 and 0.2X compatible] -
Andom - 05.09.2009
What the FUCK are you doing? are you trying to ruine or server or something?
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
new CashScore;
new CashScoreOld;
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
CashScore = GetPlayerMoney(i);
SetPlayerScore(i, CashScore);
if(CashScore > CashScoreOld)
CashScoreOld = CashScore;
return 1;
OnPlayerUpdate get's called every like 20-30 times a second for each player.
So that like if you've 500 players (for 0.3): 500x20 = 100.000 x 500 (for the loop) = 50.000.000 times.
This function is calles 50.000.000 times each 1 second if your server is full....
Re: [FS]OnPlayerUpdate Score to Money [0.3 and 0.2X compatible] -
CracK - 05.09.2009
By the way loop is not needed here.
Re: [FS]OnPlayerUpdate Score to Money [0.3 and 0.2X compatible] -
AiVAMAN - 05.09.2009
Say me 5 things why I cant make it OnPlayerUpdate?
and thanks CracK, will make it better in next ver. :P
Re: [FS]OnPlayerUpdate Score to Money [0.3 and 0.2X compatible] -
Jakku - 05.09.2009
I just wanna laugh for you script.
Re: [FS]OnPlayerUpdate Score to Money [0.3 and 0.2X compatible] -
[eLg]Timmy - 05.09.2009
Originally Posted by Jakku
I just wanna laugh for you script.
Why laugh, I don't laugh about your script (stolen FS and claimed as your own) either?
Re: [FS]OnPlayerUpdate Score to Money [0.3 and 0.2X compatible] -
darkrider366 - 05.09.2009
Are you trying to Kill somones server?
you cant put this on OnPlayerUpdate...... just make it a public and make a timer which does it every 1 minute or so. Also
Because its looping 50,000,000 times each second you're going to use soo much CPU and bandwidth,
Make a timer, every 1 minute because every second is STUPID.
Re: [FS]OnPlayerUpdate Score to Money [0.3 and 0.2X compatible] -
gijsmin - 05.09.2009
Common guys do normal to this guy
maby he is not good at Pawn scripting just help him
I don't know what script this is but try this:
Re: [FS]OnPlayerUpdate Score to Money [0.3 and 0.2X compatible] -
Frankylez - 05.09.2009
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid));
I figure that this script would start causing trouble if you had like ~100 players.
Actually, why not make it check for a change?
pawn Код:
new pOldScore[MAX_PLAYERS],
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
pNewScore[playerid] = GetPlayerScore(playerid);
if(pNewScore[playerid] != pOldScore[playerid])
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, pNewScore[playerid]);
Or make it execute only if a certain amount of ticks is counted:
pawn Код:
new playerScoreTick[MAX_PLAYERS];
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
if(playerScoreTick[playerid] == 100)
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid));
playerScoreTick[playerid] = 0;
playerScoreTick[playerid] = playerScoreTick[playerid] + 1;
Or the BEST way to make your score transfer into your amount of money or otherwise is to actually change the score/money when you change the money/score. You know what I mean, this would require no usage of OnPlayerUpdate, just make your:
pawn Код:
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 1);
pawn Код:
SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 1);
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid));
Re: [FS]OnPlayerUpdate Score to Money [0.3 and 0.2X compatible] -
Luka P. - 24.10.2009
You could make timer for every player- Starts when player connect
- Interval = one minute
pawn Код:
forward ScoreUpdate(playerid);
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
return 1;
pawn Код:
public ScoreUpdate(playerid)
return 1;