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[Include] [INC] NPC-Bridge (GM to NPC Communication) - Printable Version

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[INC] NPC-Bridge (GM to NPC Communication) - Whiteagle - 04.09.2009

  N:::::::N    N::::::NP::::::::::::::::P    CCC::::::::::::C
  N::::::::N   N::::::NP::::::PPPPPP:::::P  CC:::::::::::::::C
  N:::::::::N   N::::::NPP:::::P   P:::::P C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C
  N::::::::::N  N::::::N P::::P   P:::::P C:::::C    CCCCCC
  N:::::::::::N  N::::::N P::::P   P:::::PC:::::C       
  N:::::::N::::N N::::::N P::::PPPPPP:::::P C:::::C       
  N::::::N N::::N N::::::N P:::::::::::::PP C:::::C       
  N::::::N N::::N:::::::N P::::PPPPPPPPP  C:::::C       
  N::::::N  N:::::::::::N P::::P      C:::::C       
  N::::::N  N::::::::::N P::::P      C:::::C       
  N::::::N   N:::::::::N P::::P       C:::::C    CCCCCC
  N::::::N   N::::::::NPP::::::PP      C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C
  N::::::N    N:::::::NP::::::::P       CC:::::::::::::::C
  N::::::N    N::::::NP::::::::P        CCC::::::::::::C
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88""""""8b, 88""""88'  88 88     88 88   88888 88"""""   
88   `8b 88  `8b  88 88     8P Y8,    88 88      
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So this is my first public release of anything Pawno related.

This is a communication Bridge between any GameMode and NPC.


After your includes:
#define SECRETCODE "!:S3cr3tC0d3:!" // Insert your secret code here, this allow communication to the NPC's, make it safe since it can be used in chat or anyone can control any bot!!!!, Consider it as a rcon password!
#define TOTALCHARS 14 // Total chars of the Secret word, sorry cant use sizeof :(
#include <npc_bridge> // Our include.
After your includes:
#define SECRETCODE "!:S3cr3tC0d3:!" // Insert your secret code here, this allow communication to the NPC's, make it safe since it can be used in chat or anyone can control any bot!!!!, Consider it as a rcon password!
#define TOTALCHARS 14 // Total chars of the Secret word, sorry cant use sizeof :(
#include <npc_bridge> // Our include.
In the end of your script:
public OnClientMessage(color, text[])
	ClientMessageBridge(text); // Call the function needed.
Run a command trough your gamemod:
Examples & Current available commands:
NPCMessage(NPCIdHere, "This is a sample SendChat", "SendChat"); // SendChat("This is a sample SendChat")
NPCMessage(NPCIdHere, "/mycommand", "SendCommand"); // SendCommand("/mycommand")
NPCMessage(NPCIdHere, "2 square", "StartRecordingPlayback"); // StartRecordingPlayback(2,"square");
NPCMessage(NPCIdHere, "StopRecordingPlayback", "StopRecordingPlayback"); // StopRecordingPlayback();
NPCMessage(NPCIdHere, "PauseRecordingPlayback", "PauseRecordingPlayback"); // PauseRecordingPlayback();
NPCMessage(NPCIdHere, "ResumeRecordingPlayback", "ResumeRecordingPlayback"); // ResumeRecordingPlayback();
Commands & Syntax:
SendChat - Message
SendCommand - /Command
StartRecordingPlayback - <Recording Type ID>[space]<Recording Name>
StopRecordingPlayback - None
PauseRecordingPlayback - None
ResumeRecordingPlayback - None
Thanks to:
> Kye & The SA:MP Dev team (Not only for the new great version but also for the nice examples that i was able to modify)
> Backwardsman97 for this
> Zezombia, because he release "made"/"inspired" me to release this

Download it Here

PS: Please report any bugs!

0.1: Released
0.1.1: Removed some forgotten debug functions

Re: [INC] NPC-Bridge (GM to NPC Communication) - Wanted1900 - 04.09.2009

Looks nice, but your download link is not working.

Re: [INC] NPC-Bridge (GM to NPC Communication) - Whiteagle - 04.09.2009

Originally Posted by Wanted1900
Looks nice, but your download link is not working.
Sorry about that,

There was an error during the upload, fixed

Re: [INC] NPC-Bridge (GM to NPC Communication) - Wanted1900 - 04.09.2009

Originally Posted by Whiteagle
Originally Posted by Wanted1900
Looks nice, but your download link is not working.
Sorry about that,

There was an error during the upload, fixed
Thank you.

Re: [INC] NPC-Bridge (GM to NPC Communication) - Whiteagle - 04.09.2009

Originally Posted by Wanted1900
Originally Posted by Whiteagle
Originally Posted by Wanted1900
Looks nice, but your download link is not working.
Sorry about that,

There was an error during the upload, fixed
Thank you.
You're welcome, please report any bugs that you find

Re: [INC] NPC-Bridge (GM to NPC Communication) - Ricop522 - 12.02.2010


Re: [INC] NPC-Bridge (GM to NPC Communication) - BlackFoX - 12.02.2010

But it is Wrong Section i think

Re: [INC] NPC-Bridge (GM to NPC Communication) - Whiteagle - 12.02.2010

Oh this is old :P

This is here since the pre-beta for developers, when SA:MP 0.3 was still a dream for us mortals.

This was in fact posted over the 0.3 stuff but with the changes this got lost here

Going to report to get moved to FS & Inc's.

Thanks guys

Re: [INC] NPC-Bridge (GM to NPC Communication) - cyber_punk - 01.03.2010

Seems like the easiest system around for NPC communication but I can't get it to work when using YSI, more specifically (I believe) its foreach that is causing the problems. I am running some tests now to see if I can't figure out exactly why.

[Edit] Out I figured out the problem, it has to do with the way foreach determines if something is a bot (SendChat) and since this include uses that it broke foreach. Since I am not using this feature (I only want it for the playback features) I was able to comment those sections out and everything is compiling fine now.