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Do I do "if" or Do "else if" - Printable Version

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Do I do "if" or Do "else if" - Eazy_Efolife - 03.09.2009

>>>>>>Ignore Indentation<<<<<<<<

I'm Making a Anti-Cheat for my server, So Far I have set the timer and all of that, now:

public anticheat()
	if(weaponid == 38) //minigun
    BanEx( playerid, "MiniGun Hacking" );
I want the next one to be a flamethrower! do I have to do it like this?:

public anticheat()
   if(weaponid == 38) //minigun
    BanEx( playerid, "MiniGun Hacking" );
  else if(weaponid == 37) //flamethrower
    BanEx( playerid, "Flamethrower Hacking" );
Or Just keep it like this:

public anticheat()
	if(weaponid == 38) //minigun
    BanEx( playerid, "MiniGun Hacking" );
  if(weaponid == 37) //
    BanEx( playerid, "flamethrower Hacking" );

Re: Do I do "if" or Do "else if" - Butilka - 03.09.2009

Try to use optimising code. Here is Simple Weapon Anticheat:

#include <a_samp>

new Text: BanMessage;

new BannedWeapons [ 999 ];
new Spawned [ MAX_PLAYERS ];

public OnFilterScriptInit ( )
  BanWeapon (38); // Minigun
	BanWeapon (35); //RGP
	BanWeapon (36); // RL
	BanWeapon (39); // Flamethrower

	SetTimer ("BannedWeaponCheck",1000 ,true);
	return 1;

forward BannedWeaponCheck ();
public BannedWeaponCheck ()
  for (new playerid = 0; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++)
    for ( new weaponid = 0; weaponid < MAX_BANNED_WEAPONS; weaponid++)
      if (GetPlayerWeapon (playerid) == BannedWeapons [weaponid] && Spawned [playerid] == 1 )
				ResetPlayerWeapons (playerid);
        Kick (playerid);

public OnPlayerDisconnect (playerid , reason)
  Spawned [playerid] = 0;

	return 1;


public OnPlayerConnect (playerid)
  Spawned [playerid] = 0;

	return 1;


public OnPlayerSpawn (playerid)
  Spawned [playerid] = 1;

  return 1;


public OnPlayerDeath (playerid , killerid , reason)
	Spawned [playerid] = 0;

	return 1;

stock BanWeapon (weaponid)
  BannedWeapons [MAX_BANNED_WEAPONS] = weaponid;


  return MAX_BANNED_WEAPONS - 1;

stock BanWithMessage ( playerid )
  TextDrawShowForPlayer ( playerid , BanMessage );
  TogglePlayerControllable ( playerid , 0 );
	GameTextForPlayer ( playerid , " " , 100000000000000 , 1 );
  Kick ( playerid );

  new string [ 256 ] , weaponname [ 256 ] , weaponid;

  weaponid = GetPlayerWeapon ( playerid );

	GetWeaponName ( weaponid , weaponname , 256 );


Re: Do I do "if" or Do "else if" - Eazy_Efolife - 03.09.2009

so i gotta keep useing "else if" If i wanna keep adding banned weapons?

Re: Do I do "if" or Do "else if" - Correlli - 03.09.2009

Re: Do I do "if" or Do "else if" - Eazy_Efolife - 03.09.2009

damnit i was just gonna say that! I always get beat

Re: Do I do "if" or Do "else if" - Andom - 03.09.2009

If you're using a large amount of numbers, then this methode is better:


public anticheat()
case 38: BanEx( playerid, "MiniGun Hacking");
case 37: BanEx( playerid, "Flamethrower Hacking");
return 1;


Re: Do I do "if" or Do "else if" - Correlli - 03.09.2009

Originally Posted by ► James_Alex
Originally Posted by Don Correlli
there isen't anything about "if" and "else if" in your link !
It is.
Go to the end of the page, you have Keywords page ->

Re: Do I do "if" or Do "else if" - Eazy_Efolife - 03.09.2009

Thanks for your help :P

offtopic: James check your signature and under Applications it should be 2

Server CFG Editor
SA:MP Quick Connector

Re: Do I do "if" or Do "else if" - coole210 - 03.09.2009
