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Help with the /enter cmd - Printable Version

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Help with the /enter cmd - pierhs - 02.09.2009

Can I have 2 different /enter cmds without crashing the first?I mean I have one cmd /enter in my gamemode and when I add a 2nd cmd /enter in the filterscript,the first one doesnt work.Is there anyway to fix this?

Re: Help with the /enter cmd - iMonk3y - 02.09.2009

no, I believe you can't have 2 same commands gamemode.

Re: Help with the /enter cmd - [XST]O_x - 02.09.2009

isnt possible(i think O.o)

Re: Help with the /enter cmd - Correlli - 02.09.2009

No, it isn't possible. But you could have commands like /enter subcmd1, /enter subcmd2.

Re: Help with the /enter cmd - HuRRiCaNe - 02.09.2009

also , in the command , the first time you use the comand /enter you create a new vcariable
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
new enter[MAX_PLAYERS];
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/enter", true) == 0) {
    SendPlayerFormattedText(playerid,"This is the first time u use the command , use /enter again if u want 2nd usage");
//do your things if the command is the first time used;
 return 1;
else if(enter[playerid]==1)
    SendPlayerFormattedText(playerid,"This is the Second time u use the command , use /enter again if u want 1rst usage");
//do your things if the command is used 2nd time
enter[playerid]=0;//the 0 is if u want to return to the other command
  return 1;
return 1;
return 0;