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[Map] [MAP]Storage/Obandand Ware House - Printable Version

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[MAP]Storage/Obandand Ware House - spike_killa - 02.09.2009

Well, Weres anoth! It was ment for my server that i Hang a put they dont need it Atm so i'm releasing it for lot
1045.3428955078, -3264.75, 101.23610687256

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CreateObject(3066, 980.27355957031, -3265.2243652344, 102.39906311035, 0, 0, 0);

Re: [MAP]Storage/Obandand Ware House - Mustafacc - 02.09.2009

Nice work

Ps:correct the title, Abandoned

Re: [MAP]Storage/Obandand Ware House - [XST]O_x - 02.09.2009

That is cool

Re: [MAP]Storage/Obandand Ware House - [XST]O_x - 02.09.2009

Need to delete that message i double posted accidelntly i thought my other comment didnt show so i wrote it again sorry but i modified,need moderator to delete it T_T

Re: [MAP]Storage/Obandand Ware House - spike_killa - 02.09.2009
