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Chat bubbles & 3D texts - Printable Version

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Chat bubbles & 3D texts - Sergei - 02.09.2009


Chat bubbles are one of not expected, but very awesome things. It's perfect thing to replace casual client messages in chatbox, but here is one problem. Chat bubbles can be seen thought walls and/or any other things where nametags are hidden.

I think it would be better that chat bubbles would be shown in same condition as nametags, so basically where nametag can be shown chat bubble can be also.

So what's your opinion here? Should chat bubbles be shown though everything, or they should work like nametags (not shown thought objects and other stuff)?
Same goes for 3D texts since they work in the same way.


Re: Chat bubbles - Sayaron - 02.09.2009

Should be like the nametags, its lame to see stuff through objects

Re: Chat bubbles - Double-O-Seven - 02.09.2009

If you are in front of a house and your mom in the back of the house, you still can hear her if she is loud enough^^

Re: Chat bubbles - Sergei - 02.09.2009

That's true, but basically it's annoying because players around the corner can see your exact location like that. And another example is for in interior usage. If you stand in one floor and someone is in another you can still see chat bubble.

I think that the best solution would be that we can set if we want chat bubbles to be seen though everything or just like nametags.

Re: Chat bubbles - ғαιιοцт - 02.09.2009

3d texts also show trough objects :l
however I like them

[img width=768 height=614][/img]

Re: Chat bubbles - Sayaron - 02.09.2009

Originally Posted by °ғαιιοцт°
3d texts also show trough objects :l
however I like them

[img width=768 height=614][/img]
Haha, funny statue with something funny in its ass

Re: Chat bubbles - Correlli - 02.09.2009

Poor statue. :P

Re: Chat bubbles - ғαιιοцт - 02.09.2009

Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Poor statue. :P
I love it xD

Re: Chat bubbles - Sayaron - 02.09.2009

Originally Posted by °ғαιιοцт°
Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Poor statue. :P
I love it xD
I will come to your server one day and see it with my own eyes :P

Re: Chat bubbles - ғαιιοцт - 02.09.2009

Originally Posted by [LRP
Sayaron ]
Originally Posted by °ғαιιοцт°
Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Poor statue. :P
I love it xD
I will come to your server one day and see it with my own eyes :P
rofl, it's really there
but it would be great if it'd be adored by 100 players who stand around it in ><