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[INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - Printable Version

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[INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - spike_killa - 02.09.2009

Hey! I am releasing Errrmmm like my 7-8 map/int for you guys, and this one is a 1 Beroomed+Gym+Office with a living room and Kitchen. Im sorry about The walls But i dont know How to fix Them
1377.0344238281, -3517.0881347656, 1119.5776367188

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CreateObject(1512, 1366.1223144531, -3505.2143554688, 1120.7082519531, 0, 0, 0);

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - Taz86 - 02.09.2009

Good Joob, Keept it.

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - im2fast4u - 02.09.2009

i may sleep in there :P
btwgood job

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - Imran.Abbas - 02.09.2009

Nice :]

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - spike_killa - 02.09.2009

Thanks Btw imran Can ya Send me your Msn Via Pm please?

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - Correlli - 02.09.2009

Nicely done.

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - spike_killa - 02.09.2009

Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Nicely done.
thank You

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - weedarr - 02.09.2009

Looks good, this one of the original empty interiors?


Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - Deat_Itself - 02.09.2009

god good

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - spike_killa - 02.09.2009


Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - spike_killa - 02.09.2009

Originally Posted by WeeDarr
Looks good, this one of the original empty interiors?

Yep i added Doors All by my self. It was totally empty

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - Zeromanster - 03.09.2009

Good job, might use it

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - BP13 - 03.09.2009

this is amazing!

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - spike_killa - 03.09.2009

Wow Thanks

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - [XST]O_x - 03.09.2009

Very cool

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - spike_killa - 03.09.2009

Lol ty

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - [XST]O_x - 03.09.2009

Originally Posted by ♠°S.Killa°♠

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - spike_killa - 03.09.2009

Joke Dum ass :P

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - [XST]O_x - 03.09.2009

Originally Posted by ♠°S.Killa°♠
Joke Dum ass :P
dumb ass*

Re: [INT] 1 Bedroom+Office+Gym House - spike_killa - 03.09.2009

you mean Dumb Ass :P