bob:hey bob2:2 brb YOUR BOT NAME HERE: hey why dont u go and jump off a cliff bob2:bk bob:wb bob2:cheese... bob:... YOUR BOT NAME HERE: Whas you dropped when you was a child??
Originally Posted by iLinx
you could use this to check to see if someone says like brb or something |
new RandomMSG[][] = { "Wolf bot: Are you stuck? get help (/help) ^^", "Wolf bot: This server is english only", "Wolf bot: Visit our website", "Wolf bot: Wanna know who made what? find out (/credits)", "Wolf bot: See a cheater? report them (/report)", "Wolf bot: The official braduz motto "Immah teh tech wolf round theese areas" }; SetTimer("SendMSG", 200000, true); forward SendMSG(); public SendMSG() { } new randMSG = random(sizeof(RandomMSG)); SendClientMessageToAll(red, RandomMSG[randMSG]);
Originally Posted by Dark_Kostas
Do you mean the
[url] |
new Announcements[5][128] = { "Wolf bot: Stuck, dont know where to start? (/help)", "Wolf bot: test", "Wolf bot: Another test", "Announcement: Type /commands to view the list of the server commands", "Announcement: Type /rules to read the server rules. Make sure to understand 'em!" }; public GlobalAnnouncement() { switch (Msg) { case 0: {SendClientMessageToAll(ANNOUNCEMENT,Announcements[0]); Msg++;} case 1: {SendClientMessageToAll(ANNOUNCEMENT,Announcements[1]); Msg++;} case 2: {SendClientMessageToAll(ANNOUNCEMENT,Announcements[2]); Msg++;} case 3: {SendClientMessageToAll(ANNOUNCEMENT,Announcements[3]); Msg++;} case 4: {SendClientMessageToAll(ANNOUNCEMENT,Announcements[4]); Msg = 0;} } return 1;