S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 [nosup] -
Trooper[Y] - 25.08.2009
Originally Posted by Trooper[Y]
This version of the swat rope aint supported anymore !
So, a lot of people asked for that (more than 100 people all in all), and its been suggested for 0.3 as well a lot of times. Now, i got 20 Subscribers to *******, and, as i promised to you, ill release it now. I hope, that after the release you`d not un-subscribe to my channel, keep subscribing to be up-to-date with my stuff, it doesnt costs you in any way, and im happy and motivated for new scripts. Of course, a lot of people told me to sell the script, but i wanted to refresh the live in San Andreas (SAMP, not MTA
), so i release it for everyone. Even i know, the feedback of a no-name scripter here, even he did something vry own, isnt vry high, so ill not look too often here to not see, how less people left their comments. Convince me please of the other way round
© Zobmie_modder, Don_Elcapone
[img width=1024 height=640]/imageshack/img35/576/samp455.png[/img]
© Lolikus77, Trooper
Troopers Filterscript
[FS] S.W.A.T Rope
[FS] S.W.A.T Rope 2nd public test
* Blackfox - Streamer (include)
* homersimpsons - Private Testing
* Splatt . private Testing
* z_m - private Testing
* Matze_Bellic - 2. Public Test (Serversponsor)
* FuNNy - 1. Public Test (Serversponsor), private Testing
* Bright - TextDraw
* All People being on public testserver
* All People, subscribing to my channel
Known Bugs
*Sometimes people doesnt get accelerated, so they die. I used an RP-Reason against it, sometimes it doesnt appears :\ Improve it on yourself. I didnt fixed the bug, bcause it never appeared on myself, so i hadnt seen any scripting-mistakes. Seems to be client-side
*If multiple people slide at the same time, only 1 rope is seen (doesnt seems to harm either, i tried to fix it before release, possible that i fixed it that way, im not sure youll see this bug)
*TextDraw isnt shown, hadnt get, what im doing wrong, try it on yourself. It`ll be nice if you post it, if you got it.
//Easy Edit Section
#define howmanyropes 20 //how many ropes server should contain (increasing number,decreases server power)
#define zcatchtimer 1200 //in ms, time to calculate height
#define r_maxping 275 //highest ping of sliding units, dont set too high, or death-bugs will increase
#define falltime 25 //low = the best, but beware of server weakness (25 isnt incredible high, think, that you slide around 2-5 secs)
#define ropelength 100 //in meter, after what amount of meters you start falling (and rope ends)... Increasing will take server power and realism
#define abfangen 6 //at what height above ground should player get stopped ?
Get with SWAT Skin (285) into Police Maverick (extendable in script, of course).
Wait till pilot get to a stable position (hes not allowed to move too much while ur sliding)
Press "KEY_SUBMISSION" (Key 2) to start sliding.
While falling, you can press this key again to stop sliding at the moment you wish.
To add realism, following things are included:
*Rope snatching:
If pilot drifts/flies away while you slide, the rope will snatch and youll start falling (to death).
So i expect you should now build in a pilot-test for SWAT Units
*Rope Length:
Of course, in reallife you cant slide off the rope from 1 kilometre.
So after a set length (see settings), the rope ends and youll start falling (to death)
For being vry user-friendly, i marked some parts to show you, where to put your code to.
if player dies from bug (not called everytime)
if rope snatchs
should only be used for conditions
should only be used for messages ot smth. similiar
if player pressed 2 twice, so releasing rope
only short code !!!, its the part of checking, if player is close to ground
if player is ready with sliding
if player start falling in cause of too high starting point / too short rope
Originally Posted by Trooper[Y]
This version of the swat rope aint supported anymore !
Pastebin (only pwn)
RapidShare (amx,pwn,include)
Have Fun,
btw. who checks, how i did the rope?
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
urkiefly101 - 25.08.2009
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
Memoryz - 25.08.2009
Nice, TONS of people have been looking for this!
Thanks, this is a great contribution!
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
Fj0rtizFredde - 25.08.2009
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
SpiderPork - 25.08.2009
Very nice indeed.
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
playafaller - 25.08.2009
Originally Posted by SpiderPork
Very nice indeed.
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
brett7 - 25.08.2009
very cool
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
Hollywood - 25.08.2009
Very very nice, Will be using
Good job mate
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
Kieren - 25.08.2009
This is very nice, great job!
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
sebihunter - 25.08.2009
Nice, I loved the test
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
[Ask]Terminator - 25.08.2009
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
SpiderPork - 26.08.2009
Nice way of doing this;
You just eject the player, apply an animation and let them fall, no timers with SetPlayerPos. I actually never thought of that, nice idea.
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
Trooper[Y] - 26.08.2009
The only problems with SetPlayerPos were:
a) stopping anim
b) slidings looks like lagging :\ so he just slides in steps, what looks like rubbish
The biggest problem of this, was finding a rope.
And my idea got it vry nice i think
No one every saw a rly rope in SA, i made it
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
_HUN_ZeRo - 26.08.2009
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
Yoyoyo - 27.08.2009
[me=Yoyoyo]opens mouth while watching video[/me]
It looks so good put together, I am defiantly putting this on my server. This will fall in so good with everything.
Very good! Keep up the good work. I really like it!
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
joemomma53 - 27.08.2009
That is.....AMAZING!
Seriously, nice job on this
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
SergiKirov - 27.08.2009
finally i have been waiting for this! this will make alot of servers, alot more fun!
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
lavamike - 27.08.2009
ahw man, i had started making this at one time using the same method this does but then i stopped making it
i shoulda finished and released mine
Anyway, good job for getting yours finished and released
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
Andron - 27.08.2009
Amazing amazing amazin! Bieno bieno! Thats fucking awwsome.
Re: S.W.A.T Rope RC1 V1 -
Domnage - 27.08.2009
Whats the name of the song in the 2nd video?