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Game mode and script placing - Printable Version

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Game mode and script placing - emer720 - 22.08.2009

I need to know what I need to place in the gamesmode like what file and what files in eed to place in what folders i cant get nothing to work, i cnat even get the game mode set.

Re: Game mode and script placing - ronyx69 - 22.08.2009

Just download a new sa-mp server. Put your gamemode.amx in the "gamemodes" folder and open server.cfg
Set your password etc. and:
Just the game mode name without .amx and with 1 at the end.

Re: Game mode and script placing - emer720 - 22.08.2009

I got the server and the FTP and everything else...Its from xservers so i use the online ftp and I got the Godfather script that Fear posted but i dont find an .amx do i need a program to convert? or what?

Re: Game mode and script placing - XCultz - 22.08.2009

lol you need to port forward... Gamemodes go in Gamemode folder.. SF-ScriptFiles go in script files folder... includes go in Pawno->includes folder.. its simple as that if you need more help call your friends or your parents to help you read the folders better or i think wearing strong glasses would help too. pretty much .pwn and .amx are for gamemodes and filterscripts... go to Gamemode section for gamemodes go to scriptfiles and include section for SF and .inc files...

.pwn files get converted into .amx files.. you can compile with Pawno you can easily get pawno from the samp site just download the server pack

i cannot explain more if that didnt help than you need to go to a doctor man.. im not even sure your reading this correct??

Re: Game mode and script placing - HuRRiCaNe - 22.08.2009

listen emer you have to open the pwn file and compile it , learn basic pawno at the wiki.

Re: Game mode and script placing - ronyx69 - 22.08.2009

Open pawno that came with the server and with that open GF.pwn and press the Blue arrow at the top to get the .amx file.

Re: Game mode and script placing - emer720 - 22.08.2009

IIm very confused...I have no amx and fuck!

Re: Game mode and script placing - XCultz - 22.08.2009

wow bro... ill find a doctors number bro dont worry... here found one 416-524-8419 if he cant help bro.. i dont know i guess you should just stop. Not trying to be mean but go to samp wiki on the main site click help and your there. and read what is pawno or how to use pawno or someshit man we cant be more specific than that or mabey the doctor can help

Re: Game mode and script placing - emer720 - 22.08.2009

The only .amx is admingivecash.amx

Re: Game mode and script placing - emer720 - 22.08.2009

I dont even got pawno.....