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Make a log when using command. - Printable Version

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Make a log when using command. - craponnaruto - 22.08.2009

I need to make a bank log when using a bank command.Like /deposit or /bank

Re: Make a log when using command. - MenaceX^ - 22.08.2009

Then do it.

Re: Make a log when using command. - craponnaruto - 22.08.2009

...I'm going to say this again but more clear.How can I make it so when a player types certain commands,a log is created in scriptfiles and it saves your bank data.

Re: Make a log when using command. - Weirdosport - 22.08.2009

You need something like dudb, or dini to save it as a scriptfile. (Although with some wiki'ing you could just make yourself using fwrite).

Re: Make a log when using command. - woot - 22.08.2009

pawn Код:
forward BankLog(string[]);
public BankLog(string[])
    new entry[128];
    format(entry, sizeof(entry), "%s\n",string);
    new File:hFile;
    hFile = fopen("/logs/bank.log", io_append);
    fwrite(hFile, entry);
Example usage in /deposit:
pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), "[DEPOSIT] %s used /deposit %d", PlayerName(playerid), amount);

Re: Make a log when using command. - craponnaruto - 22.08.2009
