Originally Posted by XCultz
lots of people need this for roleplay servers
Originally Posted by Joe Staff
It's extremely easy to learn how to use 'fopen', 'fwrite' and 'fopen'. The gamemode I learned it from was Public Enemy Number One or GodFather. A simple 'no include' method of saving and loading stats. |
Originally Posted by XCultz
if you can just please post man
Originally Posted by Joe Staff
Originally Posted by XCultz
i have a life to live so i dont have much time
public SavePlayer(playerid);//public means you also have to add 'forward SavePlayer(playerid)' at the top, this is to be ran under OnPlayerDisconnect
new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; //A string to save the player's name to
GetPlayerName(playerid,pname,sizeof(pname));//Saving the player's name to the string array
new string[75];//A new string to save the file's name to and for placing information in
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s.ini",pname);//%s will be 'pname' or the player's name and the file extension I'm using is ini
new File:file = fopen(string,io_write);//a variable that's a file uses the 'File:' prefix and will hold the return for 'fopen' where I use 'io_write' because we don't care if the file already exists, we're overwriting/creating it
//Saving Regular Variables (integers)
format(string,sizeof(string),"Cash %d",GetPlayerMoney(playerid));//Recycling string and setting it as the 'Cash' variable (uneccesary but pretty and explained further on) then '%d' ('d' for decimal, can also use 'i' for integer) which will be the player's current cash, you could replace this with another variable that's holding an integer (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] for example)
fwrite(file,string); //Writing to 'file' (fopen(string,io_write);) and writing 'string' (Cash %d)
//Saving Float Variables (numbers with a decimal point '5.75')
new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z; //Creating new float variables to be set as the x,y,z coordinates of a player
GetPlayerPos(playerid,x,y,z); //Setting x,y,z
format(string,sizeof(string),"\nXPosition %f",x);//this is just 1 of the coordinates, notice '%f' for Float. the '\n' means new line, so your file doesn't look like "Cash 200XPosition -1245.0043" or some crap
fwrite(file,string); //writing to the file again, no change. This will jsut continue off from where the last fwrite stopped.
//Saving String Arrays (new string[20];string = "This is a string")
format(string,sizeof(string),"PlayerName %s",pname)//Nothing like recycling strings! '%s' for string
public LoadPlayer(playerid);//forward this one too, this goes where you want the information to be loaded in your script (/login or OnPlayerConnect)
new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; //the same ol' player name string
new string[75]; //everyone's favorite hippy string
GetPlayerName(playerid,pname,sizeof(pname));//Loading player's name to pname again
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s.ini",pname);//Getting the file's name
if(!fexist(string))return 0; //But Oh no! Some one new has joined the day-time show. Use this to prevent from loading a file that doesn't exist and resulting in a server crash
new File:file = fopen(string,io_read);//Notice how it's io_read this time
LOADPLAYERLOOP: //My method of reading each line in a file (incase you add a new line or perhaps someone placed them in the wrong order, this is a label, you can use 'goto LOADPLAYERLOP' to return to this exact point in the script
fread(file,string);//reading the first line and pacing it on string
if(!strlen(string))return 1; //This means that there are no more lines to read and stops the loop
//Load regular integer variable
if(!strcmp(string,"Cash",true,4)) //If the first bit of the line says 'Cash' then this passes through, otherwise skips the next bit
SetPlayerMoney(playerid,strval(string[5]));//Set the player's money to the value that's written after 'Cash ' (that's 5 characters including space, hence 'string[ >5< ]'
goto LOADPLAYERLOOP; //Go back to LOADPLAYERLOOP and restart with the next line
//Load Float Variable
if(!strcmp(string,"XPosition",true,9))//XPosition is 9 characters long
PlayerInfo[playerid][posX] = floatstr(string[10]); //This time I'm using 'floatstr' because I want a float, I'm saving it to a float variable because I need the rest of the coordinates (y and z) before placing the player anywhere
//Load String
if(!strcmp(string,"PlayerName",true,10))//PlayerName is 10 characters long
format(PlayerInfo[playerid][PlayerName],MAX_PLAYER_NAME,"%s",string[11])//I use format because frankly I'm afraid of messing up strmid, there's really no point in saving or loading your player's name, but this is an example
printf("Empty Line or Invalid Destination in %s.ini",pname);//You probably won't see this happen, but in the event there's a random empty line or someone added something without giving it purpose, this will log it (non-harmful)