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[FilterScript] [FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! (Simple FS) - Printable Version

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[FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! (Simple FS) - Lewwy - 18.08.2009

...:::Noob Tube Filterscript:::...

- Version 1.0 Package

Me again back with a filterscript this time, this filterscript can shoot live grenades from any weapon of your choice, to configure what weapon you want to call 'the noob-tube', you must change the settings listed in the script at the top.
Oh and also, thank you to whoever GetXYInfrontOfPlayer basically, I must of ripped an edit. :P

[color=red]How to shoot from the noob-tube[color=black]
Shooting from the noob-tube is like shooting an ordinary weapon, you must be on foot, and you must have the weapon defined in the script in your hand, you can aim and shoot, or blind fire it's all up to you.

[color=red]I can't shoot again after?! WHYZ!!!11/1[color=black]
You must give the noob-tube time to reload once you've fired, the time by default is 3 seconds which isn't too bad, so I suggest you leave it.

[color=red]DUDEZORZ, IT DUSNT EXPLODE WHERE IS HOOT1//1![color=black]
I know, I'll probably add that in the next version, you'll have to fire straight down the middle for now.

EDIT: Spelling errors.

Re: [FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! - NeRoSiS - 18.08.2009

It sounds awesome, but you no use lot, no media, no download.

I might have to download it and test though xD

Re: [FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! - laser50 - 18.08.2009

pics please

Re: [FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! - Lewwy - 18.08.2009

Picture added.

Re: [FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! - NeRoSiS - 18.08.2009

Originally Posted by [XG
Lj ]
Picture added.

This is awesome!!

Re: [FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! - nuriel8833 - 19.08.2009


Re: [FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! (Simple FS) - Ibanez - 19.08.2009

Good job

Re: [FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! (Simple FS) - Lewwy - 19.08.2009

Thank you all for your lovely comments.

Re: [FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! (Simple FS) - Heerlenking - 19.08.2009

Nice, goodjob!

Re: [FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! (Simple FS) - Lewwy - 19.08.2009

Once again, thank you.

I'll try to get that aiming feature added within the month.

Re: [FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! (Simple FS) - Lewwy - 19.08.2009

Well, I done some looking around, Seif.
And I saw GetPlayerAimingAt, although not perfect it might still work if I somehow re-arrange the variables and such.

Re: [FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! (Simple FS) - Striker_Moe - 04.11.2009

Re-up, kthxbai.

Re: [FS] Noob-Tube Filterscript - Shoot Noob-Tubes Call of Duty style! (Simple FS) - Zeromanster - 06.11.2009

The link is dead.