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[SOLVED] Help seeing player weapons (Solved with: Without dcmd just #define) - Printable Version

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[SOLVED] Help seeing player weapons (Solved with: Without dcmd just #define) - speedruntrainer - 16.08.2009

Hello. Can someone help me making a command that shows the weapons of a player that you want?

I only have a code with 2 errors players checking for a minigun only.
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/miniguns", true) == 0) {
        new bool:First2 = false, Count, string[128], i, slot, weap, ammo;
        for(i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
            if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) {
                for(slot = 0; slot < 14; slot++) {
                    GetPlayerWeaponData(i, slot, weap, ammo);
                    if(ammo != 0 && weap == 38) {
                        if(!First2) { format(string, sizeof(string), "Minigun: (%d)%s(ammo%d)", i, PlayerName2(i), ammo); First2 = true; }
                    else format(string,sizeof(string),"%s, (%d)%s(ammo%d) ",string, i, PlayerName2(i), ammo);
        if(Count == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"No players have a minigun"); else return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,string);
        return 1;
The errors:
C:\Users\Nel\Desktop\Mijn spullen\GTA Games\Server test gta\filterscripts\Test.pwn(55) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerName2"
C:\Users\Nel\Desktop\Mijn spullen\GTA Games\Server test gta\filterscripts\Test.pwn(56) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerName2"
C:\Users\Nel\Desktop\Mijn spullen\GTA Games\Server test gta\filterscripts\Test.pwn(62) : warning 225: unreachable code
Can someone help? Thanks.

Re: Need help with checking an id's weapon ingame. (NOT with dcmd) - Googles - 16.08.2009

You Got MSN Or Teamviewer? Ill help you out ! ITs an easy Error Fix.

Re: Need help with checking an id's weapon ingame. (NOT with dcmd) - _Vortex - 16.08.2009

Originally Posted by ******s
You Got MSN Or Teamviewer? Ill help you out ! ITs an easy Error Fix.
Or you can just tell him on here, there's no need to go on teamviewer or msn.

Re: Need help with checking an id's weapon ingame. (NOT with dcmd) - speedruntrainer - 16.08.2009

Originally Posted by ******s
You Got MSN Or Teamviewer? Ill help you out ! ITs an easy Error Fix.
LOL Epic Fail, I'm never on msn and WTF is team viewer? Just tell me how to fix here lol.

Re: Need help with checking an id's weapon ingame. (NOT with dcmd) - Googles - 16.08.2009

C:\Users\Nel\Desktop\Mijn spullen\GTA Games\Server test gta\filterscripts\Test.pwn(55) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerName2"
C:\Users\Nel\Desktop\Mijn spullen\GTA Games\Server test gta\filterscripts\Test.pwn(56) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerName2"

Your missing new files add this to the top of your GM somewhere

new PlayerName2;

Problem Should be solved.