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Anti Weapon Hack. - Printable Version

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Anti Weapon Hack. - BP13 - 11.08.2009

is there a standalone antiweapon hack .inc anywhere I searched but found none.

Re: Anti Weapon Hack. - Memoryz - 11.08.2009

Just get Junkbuster, but disable the health,teleport, and other features.

Re: Anti Weapon Hack. - Burridge - 11.08.2009

Or, make your own. It's not hard to set a timer or two, and get the timer to search the players weapons, if they have a bad weapon, it will ban them. Simple to make.

Re: Anti Weapon Hack. - BP13 - 11.08.2009

Originally Posted by Memoryz
Just get Junkbuster, but disable the health,teleport, and other features.
JunkBuster antiweapon hack 100% failed for me.

and I have no idea how to script one myself

Re: Anti Weapon Hack. - iMonk3y - 11.08.2009

I've made a code for you, just put it in some timer and thats it.

pawn Code:
new WeaponData[13][2], str[128];
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
  for(new a = 0; a < 13; a++) {
    GetPlayerWeaponData(i, a, WeaponData[a][0], WeaponData[a][1]);
    if(WeaponData[a][0] == 39 || WeaponData[a][0] == 38 || WeaponData[a][0] == 38 || WeaponData[a][0] == 37 || WeaponData[a][0] == 36 || WeaponData[a][0] == 35 || WeaponData[a][0] == 41 || WeaponData[a][0] == 42 || WeaponData[a][0] == 43 || WeaponData[a][0] == 44 || WeaponData[a][0] == 45){
      format(str,128,"* %s has been banned from the server: Weaponhacks",PlayerName(i));
      SendClientMessageToALL(COLOR, str);
stock PlayerName(playerid) {

  new Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
  GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
  return Name;

Re: Anti Weapon Hack. - BP13 - 11.08.2009

Originally Posted by ιMσик3у
I've made a code for you, just put it in some timer and thats it.
pawn Code:
new WeaponData[13][2], str[128];for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {  for(new a = 0; a < 13; a++) {    GetPlayerWeaponData(i, a, WeaponData[a][0], WeaponData[a][1]);    if(WeaponData[a][0] == 39 || WeaponData[a][0] == 38 || WeaponData[a][0] == 38 || WeaponData[a][0] == 37 || WeaponData[a][0] == 36 || WeaponData[a][0] == 35 || WeaponData[a][0] == 41 || WeaponData[a][0] == 42 || WeaponData[a][0] == 43 || WeaponData[a][0] == 44 || WeaponData[a][0] == 45){      format(str,128,"* %s has been banned from the server: Weaponhacks",PlayerName(i));      SendClientMessageToALL(COLOR, str);      Ban(i);    }  }}
stock PlayerName(playerid) {

  new Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
  GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
  return Name;

how do I configure it with my GivePlayerWeapon from deathmatches and my admin system

Re: Anti Weapon Hack. - saiberfun - 11.08.2009

Originally Posted by [SU
BP13 ] how do I configure it with my GivePlayerWeapon from deathmatches and my admin system
Originally Posted by [SU
i don't get what u mean O_O
i guess u should kno how to do that O_O
It's simple

Re: Anti Weapon Hack. - BP13 - 11.08.2009

well I don't. and why should I already know this, I don't speak pawno.

Re: Anti Weapon Hack. - saiberfun - 12.08.2009

Originally Posted by [SU
BP13 ]
well I don't. and why should I already know this, I don't speak pawno.
owtf as high roller u don't speak pawno?
well ill maybe do this tomorrow but i gotta gotobed now gotta get up early tomorrow taking to ma lawyer..

Re: Anti Weapon Hack. - BP13 - 12.08.2009

well I guess you could call me a beginner. I have so much posts because its mainly asking for help.