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Balanced Teams - Printable Version

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Balanced Teams - Memoryz - 10.08.2009


So I have 2 classes for my TDM mode, the Red team, and the Blue Team. ( Im just saying that to make it easier to understand xd )

So, when the player goes to the request a class thing (where the choose their skin ), you can choose the blue or the red team. But people keep joining the blue team, and not the red team.

What im asking for is, how can I make it so that the teams are balanced?

AddPlayerClass(skin,x,y,z,w1,w1a,w2,w2a,3,w3a) // blue
AddPlayerClass(skin,x,y,z,w1,w1a,w2,w2a,3,w3a)// red

Lets say the player teams are like this:



Now, lets say Jack wants to play, but he selects blue, how can I make it not spawn him on that team, and says you need to join the red team so it makes the teams even?

Thanks, if you don't understand what im getting at here is a short version : "How can I make balanced classes/teams? "


Re: Balanced Teams - Klutty - 10.08.2009

Re: Balanced Teams - Memoryz - 10.08.2009

Thanks, I was searching, but nothing came up >.<