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How do I ask pawno to check if there's a driver? - Printable Version

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How do I ask pawno to check if there's a driver? - ThePS3Guy - 09.08.2009

Because here is my original code:

public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
return 1;

And I would like for it to count down the 5 seconds, then check if someone is in the car. and if someone is in the car, not to destroy it.

Re: How do I ask pawno to check if there's a driver? - Martin_White - 09.08.2009

Didn't got what you mean, can you explain more?

Re: How do I ask pawno to check if there's a driver? - ThePS3Guy - 09.08.2009

In my bit of code there, I made it so that when someone gets out of their car, 5 seconds later it is reset to its spawn point. But what I am trying to figure out is how to make it so that after the 5 seconds, it checks if there's a driver (like if someone got back in the car) and if there is, it doesn't reset the car back to its spawn point.

Re: How do I ask pawno to check if there's a driver? - woot - 09.08.2009

pawn Код:
for(new i=0; i<MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
        for(new pl = 0; pl<MAX_PLAYERS; pl++)
                if(!IsPlayerInVehicle(pl, i))

Re: How do I ask pawno to check if there's a driver? - Zeromanster - 09.08.2009

Originally Posted by ThePS3Guy
gets out of their car, 5 seconds later it is reset to its spawn point.
Just use AddStaticVehicleEx, you don't need a timer for this. It's all in the function