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vehicleid changes on new vehicle spawn - Printable Version

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vehicleid changes on new vehicle spawn - SiJ - 08.08.2009

I've got this:
new RifaVeh[5];

RifaVeh[0] = CreateVehicle(421,-2309.5354,-316.1686,58.5614,302.1256,65,1,300); // San Fierro Rifa's leader car z= 59.5614
RifaVeh[1] = CreateVehicle(405,-2300.0459,-290.7169,56.1315,213.9158,65,1,300); // San Fierro Rifa's members car z= 56.1315
RifaVeh[2] = CreateVehicle(405,-2297.7402,-288.5132,55.4661,215.4293,65,1,300); // San Fierro Rifa's members car
RifaVeh[3] = CreateVehicle(405,-2293.6931,-286.0263,54.6235,38.1339,65,1,300); // San Fierro Rifa's members car
RifaVeh[4] = CreateVehicle(405,-2320.3799,-303.3512,59.6196,208.7343,65,1,300); // San Fierro Rifa's members car

new modelid = GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));
if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
for(new n; n < sizeof(RifaVeh); n++)
			if(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == RifaVeh[n])
			    ErrorMsg(playerid,"Only San Fierro Rifa's Members!");
				else SendFMessage(playerid,COLOR_SYSTEM,"You have entered %s's vehicle!",Gang_Rifa);
And If I spawn some vehicles in-game, I can enter these vehicles, so I think by spawning vehicles in-game RifaVeh's IDs changes don't they? Cause today I spawned a vehicle and it removed me and showed message Only San Fierro Rifa's Members! but it wasn't one of RifaVeh vehicles