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Help with MySQL - Printable Version

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Help with MySQL - _GriLLeX_ - 06.08.2009

Hello, I would like to know how can I get data from a field and save it in a variable.
I use the include
Thank you in advance and sorry for my broken English.

Re: Help with MySQL - Dreftas - 06.08.2009

Ask in plugins thread

Re: Help with MySQL - agusfn20 - 06.08.2009

can please u post me the i cant find it anywehere

Re: Help with MySQL - _GriLLeX_ - 06.08.2009


	MySQL Native Functions


#if defined _mysql_included
#define _mysql_included

native mysql_connect(host[], user[], database[],password[]);
native mysql_query(query[]);
native mysql_real_escape_string(stringtoescape[],destination[]);
native mysql_fetch_row(line[]);
native mysql_num_rows();
native mysql_num_fields();
native mysql_affected_rows();
native mysql_warning_count();
native mysql_ping();
native mysql_store_result();
native mysql_free_result();
native mysql_stat(destination[]);
native mysql_errno();
native mysql_field_count();
native mysql_close();
native mysql_fetch_int();
native mysql_fetch_float(&Float:result);
native mysql_fetch_field(fieldnr,stringtoreturn[]);
native mysql_fetch_row_format(string[],chartosplit[] = " ");
native mysql_fetch_field_row(string[],fieldname[]);
native mysql_debug(enable = 1);
native mysql_reload();
Thanks for the help