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[FilterScript] [FS] Bank-System. - Printable Version

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[FS] Bank-System. - neonas6661 - 02.08.2009

Bank System With Menu!


- /registruotis - Register
- /jungtis - login
- /stats - stats


Bank Pickup

Press key "Enter", go in the bank.



Padeti = Deposit
Pasiimti = Withdraw
Pasiimti visus = Withdraw all
Padeti visus = Deposit all


Re: Bank-System - andriukas - 02.08.2009

Nice job ozas. It's really very nice!

Re: Bank-System - SiJ - 02.08.2009

Why won't you translate it to English before releasing here? Or it's just screenshots?


[19:57:44] [chat] [Jack_Stores]: Ko cia forume kimbi zasine as anglu nemoku idejau savo darba
[19:57:47] [chat] [Jack_Stores]: pisa jis man prota

Don't know english? Ok.. I understood you now

Re: Bank-System - nuriel8833 - 02.08.2009

Tanks but why is it in german or something / =
cool im gonna use it

Re: Bank-System - Blantas - 02.08.2009

Wow! Nice scriptinng ripping skill

Re: Bank-System - george_ - 02.08.2009

good job keep it t

Re: Bank-System - DarkClone - 02.08.2009

Cool but it needs to be english

Re: Bank-System - RayPoda - 03.08.2009

Nice script. Simple, but nice.

Re: Bank-System - Mr_fire - 03.08.2009

Thank you, very nice idea.

Re: Bank-System - xCoder - 03.08.2009
