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Handling ? - Printable Version

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Handling ? - matdav - 31.07.2009

i am asking how to modify a handling of a car to make it drift more in my server i know its possible madoshi everystuff tew have make it
if u can help me il be happy :P
thx to u

Re: Handling ? - Joe Staff - 31.07.2009

This isn't SA-MP modding, this is SA-MP scripting, and it can't be done through scripting. Also note that most servers don't appreciate physics mods / cheats. So if you do, be sure to make a back-up copy of everything.

Re: Handling ? - matdav - 31.07.2009

humm i guess u dont understand when u go on madoshi server and type /car go into mod car then u take a car and go drift u will see it will be another handling than original and u didnt run any cheat so hum next person

Re: Handling ? - Correlli - 31.07.2009

You can't modify handling.cfg, sa-mp is using it's own handling, so even if you modify your own -> it won't work.

Originally Posted by matdav
humm i guess u dont understand when u go on madoshi server and type /car go into mod car then u take a car and go drift u will see it will be another handling than original and u didnt run any cheat so hum next person
Different gravity?

Re: Handling ? - matdav - 31.07.2009

i know but i want only car exemple the elegy drift more easy (just example) but dont go more high in air
its like that on madoshi i was alway drifting and i want it in my server for fun

Re: Handling ? - Correlli - 31.07.2009

Originally Posted by matdav
i know but i want only car exemple the elegy drift more easy (just example) but dont go more high in air
its like that on madoshi i was alway drifting and i want it in my server for fun
I think kaisersouse is the owner of that server, why don't you ask him?

Re: Handling ? - matdav - 31.07.2009

He is on this forum ? humm well i will he can probably tell me if he want to

Re: Handling ? - Correlli - 31.07.2009

Originally Posted by matdav
He is on this forum ? humm well i will he can probably tell me if he want to
That made me laugh.
Of course he is, he's even a part of SA-MP team:;u=1964

Re: Handling ? - matdav - 31.07.2009

How come it make u laugh xD thats not even funny
i have ask him lets just see what he will say and thx for ur help