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[Solved] How to return to float? - Printable Version

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[Solved] How to return to float? - arnutisz - 29.07.2009

How to return to float value? I tried, but I failed
pawn Код:
new Float:value;
value = floatstr(fromline[1]);
return value;
I get warning about tag mismatch in line "return value". 'return Float:value' doesn't work too.

Re: [HELP] How to return to float? - paytas - 29.07.2009

You can return floats by adding the Float tag to the function name.

pawn Код:
stock ReturnFloat()
  return 1.23456;

stock Float:ReturnFloat()
  return 1.23456;

Re: [HELP] How to return to float? - afei - 29.07.2009

you may use this

Re: [HELP] How to return to float? - arnutisz - 29.07.2009

But I have:
pawn Код:
stock sGetFloat(filename[], string[])
    new filestring[256];
    new fromline[128][2];
    new File:newfile;
  new Float:value;
    newfile = fopen(filename, io_read);
        print("file not found");
        return floatround(value);
    while(fread(newfile, filestring))
        if(!strcmp(string, filestring, true, strlen(string)) && (filestring[strlen(string)] == '='))
            split(filestring, fromline, '=');
            value = floatstr(fromline[1]);
            printf("rofl %f", value);
            return floatround(value);
    return floatround(value);
It doesn't work, or I am doing something wrong? It prints right float value in here: "printf("rofl %f", value);", but returns to 1.000

Re: [HELP] How to return to float? - arnutisz - 30.07.2009


Re: [HELP] How to return to float? - -Sneaky- - 30.07.2009

Never tried it before, but try this:

pawn Код:
forward Float:asd();
public Float:asd()
  new Float:abc;
  abc = 1337.1337;
  return abc;
pawn Код:

Re: [HELP] How to return to float? - arnutisz - 30.07.2009

Thanks, it worked. But why it don't worked with stock function, only with public?

Re: [HELP] How to return to float? - Joe Staff - 30.07.2009

You could have just made it a regular function

But you have to have added "Float:"