warning 213: tag mismatch - Script isn't working - Printable Version
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warning 213: tag mismatch - Script isn't working -
D3nnis - 28.07.2009
Hello Folks,
first of all I'm a german student and it could be, that my school English is one of the worst you've ever read, please excuse me therefor.
Now I'll explain you my problem.
I've copied the Function below out of another board(I can't remenber that one) today I wanted to use it the first time, and get some "tag mismatch"-warnings.
As many others I thought, that it wouldn't be a problem 'cause it's just a warning. But I was wrong... actually the function isn't working..
Could you explain me, why in case of pHealth there is a "tag mismatch"?
stock GivePlayerHealth(playerid, ammount)
new float:pHealth;
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, pHealth);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, pHealth + ammount);
return 1;
Re: warning 213: tag mismatch - Scipt isn't working -
Mr_Finnigan - 28.07.2009
stock GivePlayerHealth(playerid, ammount)
new float:pHealth;
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, pHealth);
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, pHealth + ammount);
return 1;
Maybe it means it expects to see
stock GivePlayerHealth(playerid, ammount, pHealth)
Re: warning 213: tag mismatch - Scipt isn't working -
D3nnis - 28.07.2009
Originally Posted by Mr_FinnigaN
stock GivePlayerHealth(playerid, ammount, pHealth)
But why should I pass the healt when I can appraise it?
Re: warning 213: tag mismatch - Script isn't working -
paytas - 28.07.2009
It's Float not float, and you forgot the tag of the function parameter.
Re: warning 213: tag mismatch - Script isn't working -
D3nnis - 28.07.2009
You're right, the small float was the problem.
Thank you very much!
I was used to write it in small letters by the "C" language.
Until my next problem :P
P.S. Topic can be closed