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[help] Nightvision Goggles - Printable Version

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[help] Nightvision Goggles - bAr_O - 27.07.2009


does anyone know how can I use "Nightvision Goggles" without its effect on all the players.. ?

Re: [help] Nightvision Goggles - yezizhu - 27.07.2009


Re: [help] Nightvision Goggles - Andom - 27.07.2009

Originally Posted by bAr_O

does anyone know how can I use "Nightvision Goggles" without its effect on all the players.. ?
You can't.

Re: [help] Nightvision Goggles - bAr_O - 27.07.2009

Originally Posted by yezizhu
its disable the weapon for ALL players.

and WackoX, I know that this is possible, I have seen it in a server once..

Re: [help] Nightvision Goggles - XtremeChio - 27.07.2009


It does disable the weapons, yes.
Do what he said, then take them.
I have it on my server, it's disabled but when you type /nvision - You get the glasses, and only you see green.
Works ?

Re: [help] Nightvision Goggles - yezizhu - 27.07.2009

Originally Posted by bAr_O
Originally Posted by yezizhu
its disable the weapon for ALL players.

and WackoX, I know that this is possible, I have seen it in a server once..
It does works, all you need is to test with your friends : s

Re: [help] Nightvision Goggles - bAr_O - 27.07.2009

on witch PUBLIC do i need to write the function "SetDisableWeapons"?

Re: [help] Nightvision Goggles - XtremeChio - 27.07.2009

You type it under

public OnGameModeInit()
