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[HELP] timers - Printable Version

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[HELP] timers - argon - 26.07.2009

Like im buildin a CP
And at onplayerentercheckpoint how to make if checkpoint entered like in 5 mins SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"Hello world");

If you want you can help me better via xfire

Re: [HELP] timers - Born2die - 26.07.2009

So your goal is to send a message after 5 minutes in that CP?

Re: [HELP] timers - James_Alex - 26.07.2009

use "SetTimerEx"
visit for more help

Re: [HELP] timers - argon - 26.07.2009

Nope born
My goal is to have a cp, and player has 5 mins to get there to have that text
if he reaches after 5 mins appear a message sayin you loose
and i didnt understand that wiki SetTimerEx

Re: [HELP] timers - argon - 26.07.2009

LIL help?

Re: [HELP] timers - member - 26.07.2009

Here, I'll show you an example:

Put this under OnGameModeInit:

pawn Код:
new bool:PlayerInGame[MAX_PLAYERS] = false;
Then when you want the player's 5 minute timer to start put this:

pawn Код:
SetTimerEx("GameOver", 300000, false, "d", playerid);
PlayerInGame[playerid] = true;
Then your OnPlayerEnter Checkpoint should look something like this:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
        SendClientMessage(i, AAD_COLOR_RED, "Well done You have made it before the 5 minutes!!");
        /// Do Something here
        SendClientMessage(i, AAD_COLOR_RED, "You're too late!");
    return 1;
and put this somewhere in your script (outside any commands and callbacks), like right at the bottom of your script:

pawn Код:
public GameOver(playerid)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF8080FF, "Game Over Bitch - You're 5 Minutes are up, too bad :P");
    PlayerInGame[playerid] = false;
    //// Do Something here to punish the player or whatever when his time is up.
    return 1;

Re: [HELP] timers - argon - 26.07.2009

Thanks dude.
Ima study that!

Re: [HELP] timers - argon - 26.07.2009

Wow wow wowowowo
I got errors after errors
please help via teamviewer
but add xfire zomg2
so i can give teamviewer data!

Re: [HELP] timers - member - 26.07.2009

what errors do you have post the error lines along with the errors or give me your msn. No Xfire