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Which will work correctly? - Printable Version

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Which will work correctly? - SiJ - 26.07.2009

Which of these will work correctly in my script:

pawn Код:
if(health > 10 || health < 50) // if health is more than 10  O R  if health is less than 50


if(health > 10 && health < 50) // if health is more than 10  A N D  if health is less than 50
With || or with && ?

Re: Which will work correctly? - refshal - 26.07.2009

That depends on what you want it to do.

Re: Which will work correctly? - SiJ - 26.07.2009

I want to do something if player health is from 10 to 50 (any health point between 10 and 50)

Re: Which will work correctly? - Correlli - 26.07.2009

Depens if you want one of them or both. ||, &&

Originally Posted by Justas [SiJ
I want to do something if player health is from 10 to 50 (any health point between 10 and 50)
Use && = AND

Re: Which will work correctly? - refshal - 26.07.2009

Short answer: Then I think you should use the && one.

Re: Which will work correctly? - SiJ - 26.07.2009

If I'd use || when would it execute the code?

pawn Код:
if(health > 10 || health < 50)



Re: Which will work correctly? - Correlli - 26.07.2009

Originally Posted by Justas [SiJ
If I'd use || when would it execute the code?
When health would be bigger than 10 or smaller than 50.

Re: Which will work correctly? - MadeMan - 26.07.2009

Actually it doesn't check anything then because only one of these 2 statements have to be true, so every health value suits.

Re: Which will work correctly? - SiJ - 26.07.2009

Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Originally Posted by Justas [SiJ
If I'd use || when would it execute the code?
When health would be bigger than 10 or smaller than 50.
So if "health would be bigger than 10 or smaller than 50" with ||
what && do?
I think that && does what u said..

Re: Which will work correctly? - MadeMan - 26.07.2009

Let's say health is 70

if(health > 10 || health < 50) // Only 1 has to be true and we have 1 true so...
Code will be called

if(health > 10 && health < 50) // Both have to be true, but we have only one true, so...
Code won't be called