[GM] The Ship Team DeathMatch ( TDM ) -
AlexSAMP - 25.07.2009
The Ship TDM
Hello All!
Here is my first GameMode Release.I work on it 3 days.
The Ship TDM
This Team DeathMatch has 9 Teams: Grove, Ballas, Vagos, Da Nang Boys, Bikers, Hernandez's Team, Police, The Mafia and The Punkers.
Grove Team: 3 guys and Sweet.
Ballas Team: 3 guys.
Vagos Team: 3 guys
Da Nang Boys: 3 guys
Bikers: 4 guys
Hernandez's Team: Hernandez, Pulaski, Tempeny.
Police Team: 9 guys
Mafia Team: 7 guys
Punkers Team: 3 guys
The Objective in this TDM is to kill your opponents.When you spawn, you will spawn only with a Desert Eagle in each Team.
There are 4 machines with 4 pickups:
1. For Weapons
2. For Ammo
3: For Health
4: For Armour
Killing a person , you will earn 100 $.
The GameMode has 4 languages for rules
/eng - Rules in english
/spa - Rules in Spanish
/ita - Rules in Italian
/ger - Rules in German
/kill - Kills yourself
/buy - buy menu
/help - help menu

About Weapons:
Remember you need to kill much people to earn much money.With those money, you can type /buy and you can buy: Weapons, ( always when you buy one, they start only with 1 at ammo) , Ammo ( after you buy a weapon, go on the /buy then Ammo to buy ammo), Health (HP recover (25%, 50%, 75%. 100%) ), Armor recover ( same like health recover )
/imageshack/i/gtasa2...502541690.jpg/ - Enter The Pickup
/imageshack/i/gtasa2...502542509.jpg/ - Weapons
/imageshack/i/gtasa2...502543695.jpg/ - Buy Menu ( /buy )
/imageshack/i/gtasa2009072503051981.jpg/ Grove VS. Punker
Knowed Bugs:
- When you buy a weapon & ammo for it FIRST BUY the weapon then the ammo.If you buy the ammo first, your gun will not fire.
Download Link:
or click on there down where it says ShipDM.pwn and ShipDM.amx
My Work:
I Hope you will enjoy it
Re: [GM] The Ship Team DeathMatch ( TDM ) -
im2fast4u - 12.09.2009
nice work
Re: [GM] The Ship Team DeathMatch ( TDM ) -
Mive - 12.09.2009
Nice Gm
Re: [GM] The Ship Team DeathMatch ( TDM ) -
Imran.Abbas - 12.09.2009
Re: [GM] The Ship Team DeathMatch ( TDM ) -
im2fast4u - 12.09.2009

i reply on this post then evreyone s gonna post :P
jking :P
Re: [GM] The Ship Team DeathMatch ( TDM ) -
nuriel8833 - 05.07.2010
Nice work =)
Really nice script!
Re: [GM] The Ship Team DeathMatch ( TDM ) -
Min - 09.07.2010
Download link for PWN doesnt works
btw,not bad
Re: [GM] The Ship Team DeathMatch ( TDM ) -
TheYoungCapone - 21.12.2010
omg this is awesome! nice job dude! i think ill use this to have some fun
Re: [GM] The Ship Team DeathMatch ( TDM ) -
omribobi5 - 16.06.2013
nice work
Re: [GM] The Ship Team DeathMatch ( TDM ) -
Paulito - 16.06.2013
Really nice GM