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[SOLVED] Create log - Printable Version

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[SOLVED] Create log - kevin974 - 25.07.2009

Well this is come coding i have done
stock CreateLog(fname[], string[], {float,_}:...)
	new str[256], File:hfile;
	format(str, sizeof(str), string);
	hfile = fopen(fname, io_append);
	fwrite(hfile, str);
I want it so i can do something like this.

CreateLog("test1.log", "%s %s\r\n", GetServerTime(), string);

Re: Create log - kevin974 - 25.07.2009

I fixed the problem. Am posting it encase anyone else needs it.

new FALSE = false;
#define CreateLog(%0,%1) do{new _str[256], File:hfile; format(_str, sizeof(_str), %1); hfile = fopen(%0, io_append); fwrite(hfile, _str); fclose(hfile);}while(FALSE)
Use it like this:
new var1 = "Hello";
CreateLog("TestingLog.log", "%s", var1);

Re: Create log - abhinavdabral - 25.07.2009

Also Change the Topic To [SOLVED] Create Log
