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#include <datagram> not supported? Runtime errors! - Printable Version

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#include <datagram> not supported? Runtime errors! - Pred2k3 - 22.07.2009


when Im trying to use datagram functions, the server crashes on startup, caused by runtimeerror 19 "file or function not found".

Isnt datagram supported?


Re: #include <datagram> not supported? Runtime errors! - Westie - 22.07.2009

The datagram includes are relics, I'm afraid. There's no point of them actually being included.

Re: #include <datagram> not supported? Runtime errors! - Pred2k3 - 23.07.2009

Damn, now I'm wrecked, any suggestions?

Re: #include <datagram> not supported? Runtime errors! - Westie - 23.07.2009

Maybe learn a bit of C++ and create plugins.