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Admin / level sytem [HELP] - Printable Version

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Admin / level sytem [HELP] - sggassasin - 20.07.2009

hi i was woundering if someone knew the code to makeing something like this

if(adminlevel = 1)
//blah dont need thist stuff just the levle system

if(adminlevel2 = 2)

and then to make that happen i would need something like

new PlayerHasAdmin[MAX_PLAYERS];

then that would fit into it so like

if(adminlevel = 1)
PlayerHasAdmin[playerid] = 1;

if(adminlevel2 = 1)
PlayerHasAdmin2[playerid] = 1;

if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/killplayer", true))
SetPlayerHealth()//(i dont know how to set player healso a tad of help with that)
PlayerHaseAdmin[playerid] = 0;
PlayerHaseAdmin2[playerid] = 0;(so like if a player hase admin 2 they still can use admin levle 1 stuff

so if someone could help that would be nice thx for your time

Re: Admin / level sytem [HELP] - Gamer_Z - 20.07.2009

look at those admin scirpts... i know it can be easier :P

Re: Admin / level sytem [HELP] - sggassasin - 20.07.2009

i have looked nothing helps