Basically its a know issue with the cars once all of them are bought you cant add any others that are..... Is there a way to fix this issue?
Vehicle ID .. to Vehicle ID ..
So if you want to add more vehicles that are for sell to the server, you got to change all those numbers.
Like you see when you take a look at the AddStaticVehicleEx, you will see this:
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,616.1244,-601.7048,17.4214,271.5325, -1, -1, 30000); // Cop cruiser (Dillimore) 16
AddStaticVehicleEx(525,1530.3849,-1645.1930,5.7777,179.3521,0,0,30000); // Cop TowTruck 17
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1570.1555,-1710.3179,5.6136,358.7748, -1, -1, 30000); // Cop cruiser 18
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1574.4703,-1710.9795,5.6115,0.4220, -1, -1, 30000); // Cop cruiser 19
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1587.4816,-1710.3594,5.6104,358.9421,-1, -1, 30000); // Cop cruiser 20
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1595.6578,-1710.9442,5.6119,359.6335,0,1,30000); // Cop cruiser 21
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1545.7845,-1684.4004,5.6342,271.1593,0,1,30000); // Cop cruiser 22
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1558.7819,-1710.9503,5.6119,1.1862,0,1,30000); // Cop cruiser 23
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1601.8564,-1704.1805,5.6110,88.9959,-1,-1,30000); // Cop cruiser 24
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1600.9231,-1691.9321,5.6113,91.6221,-1,-1,30000); // Cop cruiser 25
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1600.4153,-1687.9385,5.6118,90.7431,-1,-1,30000); // Cop cruiser 26
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1529.6339,-1683.7720,5.6124,270.5692, 29, 29, 30000); // Cop general car 27
AddStaticVehicleEx(596,1529.5374,-1688.0181,5.6114,270.0886, 29, 29, 30000); // Cop general car 28
AddStaticVehicleEx(523,1557.9637,-1694.5964,5.4673,226.4766,-1,-1,30000); // Police moto 29
AddStaticVehicleEx(523,1557.9060,-1697.4153,5.4689,220.9842,-1,-1,30000); // Police moto 30
AddStaticVehicleEx(523,1558.1632,-1691.8335,5.4596,224.7542,-1,-1,30000); // Police moto 31
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,1584.6510,-1671.4448,6.0541,271.5708,0,1,30000); // Police ranger 32
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,1584.7875,-1667.6138,6.0592,272.0818,0,1,30000); // Police ranger 33
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,1545.3936,-1667.7957,6.0809,87.7152,29,29,30000); // Police tan-white rancher 34
AddStaticVehicleEx(599,1545.0044,-1671.9329,6.0791,91.5492,29,29,30000); // Police tan-white rancher 35
AddStaticVehicleEx(427,1544.2870,-1659.3522,5.6119,88.5025,-1,-1,30000);// Police SWAT enforcer 36
AddStaticVehicleEx(601,1544.6962,-1663.2948,6.0225,88.9357,-1,-1,30000); // Police SWAT APC 37
AddStaticVehicleEx(497,1566.6628,-1653.8688,28.5752,91.9445,0,1,30000);// Police maverick 38
Now if you add like 10 vehicles behind those 38, then you have to make IsACopCar to 48.
But then you still not done then, you will have to change ALL of the IsA... on the dots, there is a vehicle. You all got to move them up.
Hope you understand what I mean, you have a lot work to do if you want to add some vehicles..
I was thinking "well duh, no wonder they are having problems with a live action role play, its Grand Theft Auto!!!!"