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[Solved]How the hell do i make attacking turfs -->> click for more info <--- - Printable Version

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[Solved]How the hell do i make attacking turfs -->> click for more info <--- - Studio - 15.07.2009

How do i make turfs like once u stay at the turf for like 2-4mins u start a turf attack
soo then the gang (eg. gang= CoH Only Or anything else.) have to defend there turf b4 the other gang takes it.

Help if you can

Kind Reguards, Studio

Re: How the hell do i make attacking turfs -->> click for more info <--- - Donny_k - 15.07.2009

GangZoneFlashForAll (<< I think it's called that, hit the Wiki)

Re: How the hell do i make attacking turfs -->> click for more info <--- - Studio - 15.07.2009

well yes i do get it but like i need more help...

Re: How the hell do i make attacking turfs -->> click for more info <--- - c0der. - 15.07.2009

Donny pointed out the functions you need to use to make a gangzone system.
If you still don't get it I recommend you start off at easier things.

Re: How the hell do i make attacking turfs -->> click for more info <--- - Studio - 15.07.2009

Solved -- Followed donnys steps!