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Non-MySQL to MySQL? - Printable Version

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Non-MySQL to MySQL? - jamesb93 - 14.07.2009


I was wondering if someone could direct me to a Tut on how to change a Non-MySQL GM to a MySQL. Please dont just tell me to search, I did that with no luck.

Thanks :P

Re: Non-MySQL to MySQL? - MenaceX^ - 14.07.2009

There's none really..

Re: Non-MySQL to MySQL? - jamesb93 - 14.07.2009


There's none really..

Is it hard?

Re: Non-MySQL to MySQL? - MenaceX^ - 14.07.2009

Depends in your scripting knowledge.

Re: Non-MySQL to MySQL? - jamesb93 - 14.07.2009

Ohh okayy, I need to research i ta bit more

Re: Non-MySQL to MySQL? - Frankox - 14.07.2009

What is my sql?

Re: Non-MySQL to MySQL? - jamesb93 - 14.07.2009


What is my sql?

It's a database. So all your .ini files will be in one database, Also your vehicles and house's and stuff will b in there too.