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Checkpoint problem - Printable Version

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Checkpoint problem - killdahobo99 - 13.07.2009

I'm trying to make a bank system, and the /withdraw and deposit and the bank saving is already done...Now i'm trying to set a location for the bank but i'm having the most dumbest problem ever....

I tryed to set a checkpoint inside of an interior, it worked! but when i try to set another one, for the /withdraw and deposit to work, the checkpoint doesnt show up? how do i fix that?


Everytime i leave the inside of the bank, the checkpoint dissapears (the one i use to enter the bank) how do i make it so the checkpoints automatically appear again after lets say..5 secounds?

I'm using this streamer

Re: Checkpoint problem - StrickenKid - 13.07.2009

I had that problem in his streamer too. In my opinion, its a bad streamer, try another

EDIT: you might want to just make a custom streamer for your server, that what i ended up doing.

Re: Checkpoint problem - killdahobo99 - 13.07.2009

If theres no way of fixing this problem, I need another streamer Just as good, because his was probbaly the easiest one i found that was easy to use and worked perfect up until now.

Any suggestions on how to fix or a diff stremer?

Re: Checkpoint problem - killdahobo99 - 14.07.2009

Sorry for bump, but i wanna fix this before i go to work

Re: Checkpoint problem - Calgon - 14.07.2009

Take a look at: - this should be useful.

Re: Checkpoint problem - killdahobo99 - 14.07.2009

I've already looked at that, it doesnt explain why 2 checkpoints can't be near each other, because only one of them appears when i try to make 2 in one interior.

No ones replyed to me in that topic yet, So anyone got any ideas?