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[FilterScript] [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - Printable Version

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[FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - abhinavdabral - 11.07.2009

VERSION 3.1 Updated (30/Mar/2015)
No need to use the one below (unless you really need to), just visit the above link!
GEO-IP (filterscript version)

I am releasing a Filterscript that will detect the player's Country, IP and Ping whenever joining the server. This does not needs any plugin. This FS does not needs SQL plugin or something like that. Its just a simple file reading program. [/center]

This FS will show them message in-game like this (In this case name is [SG]Abhinav and country is India)
[SG]Abhinav has joined the server. [ Country:India (IND) | IP Address: | Ping: 35 ]
Installation: Download Links:

Credits: NOTE:- If there are any bugs, please let me know. All types of comments are welcomed.

Thank You

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - Correlli - 11.07.2009

Good work, it's nice to see a filterscript for detecting player's country.

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - abhinavdabral - 11.07.2009

Yea... I searched the plugin GEO-IP but it was about 16mb or something like that ... So i decided to make this.

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - BP13 - 11.07.2009

is it join/leave or just join messages

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - DarkClone - 11.07.2009

Nice, it's very useful!

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - Correlli - 11.07.2009

Originally Posted by [SU
BP13 ]
is it join/leave or just join messages
You can use it anywhere you want.

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - Abernethy - 11.07.2009

Nice work, sure it will be a great feature to a few servers.

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - Sergei - 11.07.2009

Very nice, I might add country support to connection log

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - Karlip - 11.07.2009

Good job,i'm using the plugin at the moment.

Could we have an pastebin link,please?

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - abhinavdabral - 11.07.2009

Originally Posted by Karlip
Good job,i'm using the plugin at the moment.

Could we have an pastebin link,please?
I dont prefer Pastebin...btw why you want it...i have uploaded it to solidfiles only..

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - UsaBoy91 - 11.07.2009

yea , can't be on pastebin , because he had scriptfiles included

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - Vikin - 11.07.2009

Very nice going to try it right now.

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - wollodya - 11.07.2009

it would be appropriate the id of each country for ease of identification, i detect it now through strcmp("SVK",..

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - MenaceX^ - 11.07.2009

What a creative idea, nice :].
After looking at the code, you kind of used some wasted arrays which weren't necessary.

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - abhinavdabral - 11.07.2009

Originally Posted by MenaceX^
What a creative idea, nice :].
After looking at the code, you kind of used some wasted arrays which weren't necessary.
I know.. I didnt removed them..bcoz I might make use them in future releases.

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - gtalover12 - 11.07.2009

Wow, very nice, verry nice. I was wondering how the AdrenalineX Server had the country the player connected from on the join message, i even looked through the AdrenX script!

I shall be taking the part of the script whare it gets the players country and adding it into my server, showing the players IP is not a good idea.. yea'know.. with all the hackers 'n stuff around.

Bookmarked, Thanks.

EDIT: Link working now, must have been something wrong with the website/my crappy internet .

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - abhinavdabral - 12.07.2009

Thank You,
for all your comments and replies.
If someone founds a bug, please let me know.

Thank You

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - Haji - 12.07.2009

This is nice thing I like it.

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - Chaprnks - 12.07.2009

"Reserved (ZZZ)"

Happens when most people join, not a full database?

Re: [FS] GEO-IP : Get Player's Country - abhinavdabral - 12.07.2009

Originally Posted by ǝɹoɯ‾ʎ
"Reserved (ZZZ)"

Happens when most people join, not a full database?
It shows that for those IPs which are reserved - like - --------Means those IPs which are generally used for internal uses and not for public ..... Where as thos IPs which are public and visible to all are not reserved.

Reserved also shows when someone from your network joins the game.

Its a full database(not mae by me).Its made by I just converted it for this FS(made by me).

Btw.. Thanks for commenting

Thank You