plasma globe - Printable Version
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plasma globe -
darkrider366 - 09.07.2009
hey cn some1 open their plasma globe n tell me what the output current is.... and if it is usb or maiins socket
thx darkrider366
Re: plasma globe -
propilot - 10.07.2009
Re: plasma globe -
[NoV]Fishbulb - 16.07.2009
Bumping this post for epicness.
He's talking about these things:
and he wants someone that has one to take it apart and get some specifications for it.
LOL I want someone to do this so we can figure out what kind of weird experiment he's doing.
Re: plasma globe -
lavamike - 16.07.2009
Super Tesla Coil v2.0
Re: plasma globe -
6tynine - 16.07.2009
Someone smash the glass and touche the center ball and tell me what happends
Re: plasma globe -
SiJ - 16.07.2009
I bought that thing then I was in Poland.. But it didn't worked when I tried it at home..
Re: plasma globe -
Guedes747 - 16.07.2009
Originally Posted by M4DKiLLA
Someone smash the glass and touche the center ball and tell me what happends
Re: plasma globe -
Klutty - 16.07.2009
Originally Posted by M4DKiLLA
Someone smash the glass and touche the center ball and tell me what happends
My finger hurt now.
Re: plasma globe -
propilot - 16.07.2009
where can i buy this anyways?
and what the minume price for that?
and what the propose of this ball?
Re: plasma globe -
weedarr - 16.07.2009
Plasma Ball trick
Basically that's a plasma ball, i think they are quite cheap, but for what it can do I don't think its worth it.