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A few questions. - Printable Version

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A few questions. - Kevon - 09.07.2009

1.) Where do i put the strotk command in my PAWNO, I was thinking udner OnPlayerCommandText, but I knew this couldn't be right, so please reply.

2.) I need a script for registration...

3.) I can't portforward for now, so i'm currently using a hamachi network, and looking for a scripting team...

4.) Is there a way to get a UCP?

Re: A few questions. - Anarkien - 09.07.2009

Originally Posted by Kevon
1.) Where do i put the strotk command in my PAWNO, I was thinking udner OnPlayerCommandText, but I knew this couldn't be right, so please reply.

2.) I need a script for registration...

3.) I can't portforward for now, so i'm currently using a hamachi network, and looking for a scripting team...

4.) Is there a way to get a UCP?

2.) Find this by [searching] - lot's of registration scripts here
4.) You can make a UCP by using PHP and MySQL. Of course, you'll then have to store all user information into MySQL tabels, and not to .ini or .dudb/.sav-files.

Re: A few questions. - arnutisz - 09.07.2009

put strtok anywhere in the script, but not in callbacks for example at the bottom of your script. Search for registration system, there are many of them in filterscripts.

Re: A few questions. - Kevon - 09.07.2009

Alright guys, tell me if this is right?

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
strtok(const string[], &index)
	new length = strlen(string);
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))

	new offset = index;
	new result[20];
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
		result[index - offset] = string[index];
	result[index - offset] = EOS;
	return result;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[]){
  if(!strcmp("/b ",cmdtext,true,3)){
    }else SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YOUWANT,"Usage:/b [text]");
     return true;
  return false;

Re: A few questions. - Pghpunkid - 09.07.2009

Originally Posted by Kevon
Alright guys, tell me if this is right?

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
strtok(const string[], &index)
	new length = strlen(string);
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))

	new offset = index;
	new result[20];
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
		result[index - offset] = string[index];
	result[index - offset] = EOS;
	return result;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[]){
  if(!strcmp("/b ",cmdtext,true,3)){
    }else SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YOUWANT,"Usage:/b [text]");
     return true;
  return false;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[]){
  if(!strcmp("/b ",cmdtext,true,3)){
    }else SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YOUWANT,"Usage:/b [text]");
     return true;
  return false;

strtok(const string[], &index)
	new length = strlen(string);
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))

	new offset = index;
	new result[20];
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
		result[index - offset] = string[index];
	result[index - offset] = EOS;
	return result;

Re: A few questions. - Geekzor - 09.07.2009

Originally Posted by Kevon
1.) Where do i put the strotk command in my PAWNO, I was thinking udner OnPlayerCommandText, but I knew this couldn't be right, so please reply.

2.) I need a script for registration...

3.) I can't portforward for now, so i'm currently using a hamachi network, and looking for a scripting team...

4.) Is there a way to get a UCP?

for register command download L-admin - script - that make u admin and have /login /register command so ur stats are saved

for scripting team read Scripting Discussion there must be some teams

Re: A few questions. - Kevon - 09.07.2009

Originally Posted by Pghpunkid
Originally Posted by Kevon
Alright guys, tell me if this is right?

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
strtok(const string[], &index)
	new length = strlen(string);
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))

	new offset = index;
	new result[20];
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
		result[index - offset] = string[index];
	result[index - offset] = EOS;
	return result;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[]){
  if(!strcmp("/b ",cmdtext,true,3)){
    }else SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YOUWANT,"Usage:/b [text]");
     return true;
  return false;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[]){
  if(!strcmp("/b ",cmdtext,true,3)){
    }else SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YOUWANT,"Usage:/b [text]");
     return true;
  return false;

strtok(const string[], &index)
	new length = strlen(string);
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))

	new offset = index;
	new result[20];
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
		result[index - offset] = string[index];
	result[index - offset] = EOS;
	return result;
Well now I get this error

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Goodfellas Server\pawno\Goodfellas.pwn(103) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_YOUWANT"
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Goodfellas Server\pawno\Goodfellas.pwn(104) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Goodfellas Server\pawno\Goodfellas.pwn(106) : warning 209: function "OnPlayerCommandText" should return a value
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Goodfellas Server\pawno\Goodfellas.pwn(106) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Goodfellas Server\pawno\Goodfellas.pwn(197) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "strtok"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

2 Errors.

Re: A few questions. - Pghpunkid - 09.07.2009

Originally Posted by Kevon
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Goodfellas Server\pawno\Goodfellas.pwn(103) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_YOUWANT"
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Goodfellas Server\pawno\Goodfellas.pwn(104) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Goodfellas Server\pawno\Goodfellas.pwn(106) : warning 209: function "OnPlayerCommandText" should return a value
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Goodfellas Server\pawno\Goodfellas.pwn(106) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Goodfellas Server\pawno\Goodfellas.pwn(197) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "strtok"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

2 Errors.
1.) COLOR_YOUWANT is not defined.
2.) Your tabbing is wrong on Line 104.
3.) You should have return 1; or return 0; at the end of OnPlayerCommandText.
4.) Something on Line 106 is called, that doesnt exist.
5.) You added Strtok, but you havent used it in your script.

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[]){
  if(!strcmp("/b ",cmdtext,true,3)){
    }else SendClientMessage(playerid,#ffffffff,"Usage:/b [text]");
    return true;
  return 0;

strtok(const string[], &index)
	new length = strlen(string);
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))

	new offset = index;
	new result[20];
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
		result[index - offset] = string[index];
	result[index - offset] = EOS;
	return result;
This will fix 1 through 4.. i believe.

Re: A few questions. - Kevon - 09.07.2009

#include <a_samp>

// This is a comment
// uncomment the line below if you want to write a filterscript

#if defined FILTERSCRIPT

public OnFilterScriptInit()
	print(" Blank Filterscript by your name here");
	return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
	return 1;


	print(" Blank Gamemode by your name here");


public OnGameModeInit()
	// Don't use these lines if it's a filterscript
	SetGameModeText("Blank Script");
	AddPlayerClass(0, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746, 269.1425, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	return 1;

public OnGameModeExit()
	return 1;

public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
	SetPlayerPos(playerid, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746);
	SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746);
	SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 15.3746);
	return 1;

public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
	return 1;

public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid)
	return 1;

public OnVehicleDeath(vehicleid, killerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
	return 1;

public OnPlayerPrivmsg(playerid, recieverid, text[])
	return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
  if(!strcmp("/b ",cmdtext,true,3)){
    }else SendClientMessage(playerid,#ffffffff,"Usage:/b [text]");
    return true;
  return 0;

strtok(const string[], &index)
	new length = strlen(string);
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))

	new offset = index;
	new result[20];
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
		result[index - offset] = string[index];
	result[index - offset] = EOS;
	return result;

public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint(playerid)
	return 1;

public OnRconCommand(cmd[])
	return 1;

public OnObjectMoved(objectid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerObjectMoved(playerid, objectid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow(playerid, row)
	return 1;

public OnPlayerExitedMenu(playerid)
	return 1;
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Goodfellas Server\pawno\Goodfellas.pwn(104) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Goodfellas Server\pawno\Goodfellas.pwn(193) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "strtok"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

New errors.. I don't know "how to use strtok in my script" Could you do it? I don't know alot about this stuff, exactly why i need a scripter...

Re: A few questions. - Pghpunkid - 11.07.2009

I would love to however, im doing clean up now, meaning, im finishing up things i have going because im about done with SA:MP. Not for bad reasons really..