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Lot of help needed. - Printable Version

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Lot of help needed. - Devine - 01.07.2009

Well, I didn't really know what title to make for this topic, but I'm going to explain what my problem is. I was running a server at my moms house (my parents are divorced) and it was working fine, no problems, good script, and everything. But because summer time has rolled around, I go to my dads house for the 3 months of summer that we have off. Since I have started living here I haven't been able to get my server up at all, it just says retreiving info, even though I have put my new IP in. I have a new IP because I'm at my dads and not my moms. I don't exactly know what to do because when I first put my server up, I had someone portforward for me, and someone else help me get it up. I don't remember their exact steps to get it up.

I just want my server to be up again, thank you in advance if you can help me.

Re: Lot of help needed. - Andy_P - 01.07.2009

I am a complete noob at coding and that for SA:MP but i know how to portfoward but..

i have just started my own little test server using °ғαιιοцт° wonderfull tutorial and it says to connect to your own serveryou have to type in the 7777 would be the port you have chosen in server.cfg.
so i donno if that would work but i think you would still need to foward the port so connection quicker for over people.

for port fowarding you can either answer these question

1. Do you have a static IP, or know what one is?

2. Do you have a router?

Or go on this great website called and first get a static ip (if you have not already got one) Then go foward the port you have chosen for your server

Re: Lot of help needed. - marharth - 02.07.2009

well becuase you move from one house to a different house the IP for your server must be changed.

So if you use one IP for your server at your moms house you gotta use a different IP at your dads you gotta port forward both. Do what you did at your moms house at your dads and It should work just fine.